Book Title: Jain Center Essex Fells NJ 1993 04 Ten Years Celebration
Author(s): Jain Center Essex Fells NJ
Publisher: USA Jain Center New Jersey
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Toth Anniversary Celebration INTRODUCTION
The pathshala class of the Jain Center of New Jersey has been written and performed two dramas based on tales told by Bhagavan Mahavirswami. Our last tirthankar had told three hundred thousand parables that were collected by Gandhar Bhagwant in Kathanusar Agam Sutra.
These parables present the formula to elevate our lives. They offer practical solutions to our daily problems. These tales help guide us toward the difficult path to salvation, MOKSHA. Our Jain religion has established some basic principles - Ahimsa, Dan, Taap, Sheel, and Bhava - to be observed during our everyday lives. These principles, if fully observed, will elevate our lives and the lives of others. Our two dramas are based on these five basic principles.
The Price of Meat – "Live and Let Live" The first drama, titled "The Price of Meat", is based on the basic principle of "Live and Let Live." (yai 242 99121) i.e. Ahimsa. This drama addresses questions including:
• How should we value all life forms? • How much work is required to raise animals, rather than plants for
food? • Need one kill / harm animals / other living beings for food, since there are a multitude of
vegetarian food choices available? Once we understand the true value of meat, we will become strict observers of "Ahimsa Parmo Dharma" (4 8 69), which is, non-violence is the best religion. Let us all attend King Amarkumar's cabinet meeting to see how they address these issues.
Je Thai Te Sara Mate
The second drama, titled Je Thai Te Sara Mate (Y 414 a IRL 412), which is, whatever happens, happens only for the benefit. This tale is the life story of Vidhyapati Sheth and Shethani, deals with four basic principles - Dan, Sheel, Taap, and Bhava. The drama addresses questions like:
• Why should one donate money? • Should everyone donate money, even poor people too? • What is the purpose of donation?
How can one uplift his / her life while minimizing dependence on worldly possessions? How does observance of the se five principles - dan, taap, sheel, bhava,
and ahimsa help us in our routine life? . How can one overcome difficult problems and simultaneously elevate
one's life toward moksha, the salvation of the soul. This drama examines our dependence on worldly needs in our lives and provides thoughts to elevate our lives toward MOKSHA.
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