Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 49
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Devadatta Ramkrishna Bhandarkar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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Nov., 1920 ]
When Makhdům Khvaja Jahan heard that Burhân Nizam Shah was marching against him, he realized that he could not hope to withstard him, and vacated-Parenda and fled to Bijapur. Burhår Nizam Shah placed a garrison of his own in Parendo and returned to Ahmadnagar.
'Isma'il 'Adil Shah resolved to assist Makhdum Khwaja Jahan and sent some troope with him to Parenda, with orders to capture it and to hand it over to him.
When it was reported to Burhan Nigam Shâh that Makhdom Khvâja Jahâu was coming with an army of Bijapuris to recapture Parenda, he appointed Hasan and Daulat, the sons of Jîman Khairat Khan and ghulam-zadas of the Nigâm Shahi house, to the command of an army to march to Parenda and meet Makhdûm Khvâja Jahân.
When the two armies met, a fiercely contested battle was fought, and the army of Ahmadnagar was at first borne backward, but the fortune of the day changed, and at length Makhdům Khvaja Jahan and the Bijâpůris were utterly defeated. All their camp equipage and other belongings fell into the hands of the victors, who pursued them with great slaughter. Makhdam Khvâja Jahan escaped from the field with great difficulty, and since he could no longer, for very shame, show his face in the Dakan, he fled to Gujarat.
The army of Aḥmadnagar returned, after this victory, to the capital, and Hasan Khan and Daulat Khân, who had covered themselves with glory in the battle, were royally rewarded.
Makhdum Khvâja Jahân, after sperding a long time in affliction in Gujarât, mode interest with some of the courtiers of Burhan Nizâm Shah and received a safe conduct, which enabled him to come to Ahmednagar, . and pay his respects to the king. He still further assured his position by giving one of his daughters in marriage to Miran Shah Haidar, after which marriage the king repleced him in Parenda, as will be related in its place. XXXVI-THE DEATH OF 'ISMÃ'il 'ADIL SHAH, AND AN ACCOUNT OF THE EVENTS
WHICH HAPPENED THEREAFTER. A.D. 1534-35. In this year and while these events were in progress, 'Isma'il 'Adil Shah died,98 ard Malla Khân, his eldest son, ascended the throne; but he had scarcely had time to taste the sweets of sovereignty, when Asad Khân, who was the most powerful of the amirs of Bijapûr and was ill content that Mallû should be king, with the assistance of the rest of the amirs and officers of state, deposed Mallû, caused him to be blinded with a hot iron, and threw him into prison, and then raised his younger brother Ibråhim to the throne. Asad Khân then mude himself regent of the kingdom of Bijapûr.
A.D. 1537-38. Meanwhile it became known that Ram Raj, vakil of the king of Vijayanagar,hod rebelled against, and overcome his lord, and, having imprisoned him, had usurped the kingdom.99
* 'Isma'ul 'Adil Shah died on Safar 16, A.L. 941 (August 27, 1534). His eldest son, Malla, was raised to the throne, but so disgusted the people by his shameless debauchery that he was deposed and blinded. His grandmother, Punji Khatim, was the prime mover in his deposition, and Asad Khan Lari merely obeyed her orders. 'Isma'il's second son, Ibrahim Adil Shah I, was raised to the throne in March, 1536.
This is a garbled and misleading account of Ibråhim's expedition to Vijayanagar. Vonkata. riya, whom Firishta and Sayyid All call Ramraj, had attempted to usurp the throne in Vijayanagar, but finding that he was unable to command the allegiance of the leading men of the kingdom, had been obliged to place on the throne, as a puppet king, a scion of the old royal house, appointing the boy's maternal uncle, Hoj Nirmal Raja, on whom he thought he could rely, tutor to the king. But Hoj Nirmal, who was a lunatic, put his nephew to death during Venkatarya's absence from the capital on an expedi. tion, and usurped the throne. His freaks so disgusted his supporters that they turned again towarde Venkataraya, and Hoj Nirmal, alarmed for his safety, sought help of Ibrahim Adil Shah. Venkataraya