(Dec., 1920
urges that the actors are sometimes said to enter and Jainism gradually came under the influence after pushing aside the curtain.
of Brahmanical thought. Some of the most pro.
minent reformers of modern Hinduism wete BrahAnother possibility which he mentions, is that
mans, and so forth. The Brahmins are of course the play was a reading drama, not destined for the
the guardians of old traditions and they have often stage at all, but only meant to be recited or studied
been described as reactionary enemies of progress in writing. Against this, however, it is sufficient
I and development. That is, however, only one side to refer the student to the introduction, where the
of their physiognomy. At all times they have nati speaks of natanatya and of abhinayapra
also been the pioneers who have assimilated new darkana, and where we hear of the samája, before
ideas and even elements of foreign civilisations, which the play is going to be represented.
melted them together with the traditional lore, and We are therefore apparently forced to look for finally given them that Indian stamp which has an explanation in the usages of the popular theatre, the effect that the whole Indian civilisation, in spite and that is also the viow which Dr. Caland favours. of all differences, imparts an impression of unity He compares the Krona plays at Mathur& de- and harmony. scribed by Mr. Growse, which I have mentioned. In the case of the drama we know that the oldest above.
| playwright whose works have come down to us, I agree with him that we shall have to look in and the first author of a theoretical treatise on that direotion, but I do not think that we have to dramatical act were Brahmins, and poots filled do with a kind of dumb show, scoompanied by with Brahmanical spirit have over and over again recitation by the micaka.
assimilated more and more of popular dramatic So far as I can see the play is a new instance of genres and raised them to the rank of high lhe tendency which I think we can follow all through literature. the history of the Indian drama, to draw on the The Gopalakelicandrika is a new instance. It rich treasure of popular performances for enlarg. is a new transplanting of the popular plays of ing the scope of the high-clase drame. In a similar the Krena worshippers to the higher stage, and it way this drama itself came into existence, and later has transferred the activity of the describing and on we can over and over again obuervo how dra-explaining head-singer or manager into the technics matical peculiarities were transferred from the of the classical theatre. village stage to the learned theatre, so that new That is the chief interest that attaches itself dramatical types arose and got a firm footing. In to Ramakrsna's play. We may some day find other this way the shadow-play has obtained its place plays of the same kind as the Gopalakelicandrika. in higher literature, and in this way we must It is, however, just as possible that it represents & account for the numerous uparupakas and secondary solitary attempt and never found successors. The species. The theoretical treatises of dramaturgy discovery of this novel species shows that the have always exercised a strong controlling influence development of the classical Indian drama was on development, but they are in their turn based continued up to comparatively modern times, and on the existing literature and had to be enlarged if Sanskrit should ever again become the language when new dramatic types came into existence of the highest civilisation in India, there is no Bharata himself 'could do nothing more than doubt that this development will continue. We put together the old rules about the arts of the already possess an adaptation of Shakespeare in an stage and register and describe the various kinds Indian Sanskrit play. We may some day find of dramas existing at his time, even if they were Indian plays in imitation of Goethe or Ibseni. But only represented by a single specimen, as in the we may rest assured that India will eventually case of the Samavakâra. And his successors
remodel all such adaptations in her own spirit. have followed in his footsteps.
The great importance of India in the history of It is just the same thing which we observe in human civilisation does not only rest with the India's religious history. Local and popular original productions of the Indian mind, but also
with ite genius for assimilating new and foreign culta aro raised to the rank of Brahmanical religion.
elemente, and giving them a truly Indian stamp, Siva has some of his roots in conceptions which were not from the beginning Aryan. Buddhism
STEN Konow.