List of Plates I Vimala Vasahi : Richly carved Dome of the Ranga
maņdapa with the famous lotus-pendant. 2 Vimala Säha on Horse-back. Hasti-shālā of Vimala Vasahi. 3 Ornamental Niche in the Nava-choki of the Vimala Vasabi. 4 Vimala Vasahi, Cell no. Io in corridor. Relief representa
tions of Vimala Säha and his ancestors. 5 Shri Ādinātha, the Chief Deity in the sanctum of Vimala
Vasa hi. 6 Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva no. 10. Conversion of an elephant
by Ardrakumara. 7 Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva 12 (b) in front of cell 12. Adora
tion of a Jain Monk. 8 Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva 14 (a), in front of cell 7. Adora
tion of a Jaina Monk. Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva 14 (b) in front of cell 8. Unidentified scene including adoration of a Jaina nonk and a mad
elephant scaring away some people.. 10 Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva 2, Relief carvings showing Religious
Discourse given by a Jaina monk. I Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva I, front wall of Gūdhamandapa.
Rites performed by the four-fold Jaina Samgha, in front
of a Tirthařkara. 12 Vimala Vasahi, Bhäva II, reliefs on the front wall of cell
54, showing monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen. 13 Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva 15, first ceiling in front of cell 9.
Five Chief Events in the Life of a Tirthankara. 14 Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva 16, ceiling in front of cell 10. Life
of Neminātha with the scene of water-sport in the centre. Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva 19, ceiling in front of cell 12. Life of Shāntinātha including his previous birth as King
Megharatha protecting the life of a pigeon. 16 Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva 21, ceiling in front of cell 29.
Krshna subduing the Kāliya-Nāga. Scenes from the Life of Krshņa. Vimala Vasahi, Bhāva 36, ceiling in front of cell 46. Man
Lion incarnation of Vishnu. 18 Vimala Vasahi, Güdhamandapa. Image of Shri Hira vijaya
sūri the famous teacher of the Mogul Emperor Akbar. Vimala Vasabi, Gūdhamandapa. Färshvanātha meditating
in the Kayotsarga pose. 20 Vimaļa Vasahi, Gūəhamaņdapa. Jaina Donors.