MATHURA — the heart of Braj — and, described as one of the seven holy cities of India, has been sacred to the Hindus from very early times. This city was held in high esteem by the Jainas also. In fact, in the early centuries of the Christian era, Mathurā became the principal centre of Jainism in northern India. This book unfolds the history of Jainism in Mathurā from the earliest times. The history of Jainism in Mathurā is a part of the history of Jainism as a whole. Therefore, the first four chapters of this book deal with Jainism and its early history. The remaining three chapters are devoted to the history of this faith in Mathurā.
Archaeological excavations conducted at Mathurā in the nineteenth century have yielded immense epigraphic, sculptural and architectural material relevant to the history of Jainism in this city. I have made full use of this material in this study. The chapters dealing with the history of Jainism in Mathurā have been written principally on the basis of these archaeological finds. Some information exists in Jaina literature, too, regarding the state of Jainism in Mathurā. This material has also been utilised in this study. The material dealing with the history of Jainism in other parts of the country has also been drawn from both sources - literary and archaeological.
Government Museum, Mathurā, is a renowned institution for research and I am extremely thankful to the authorities and staff of Government Museum, Mathurā, particularly to Shri Shatrughan Sharma and Shri Ganga Ram, for making adequate arrangements for my study regarding this book in the library and galleries of the museum. Shri Shatrughan Sharma's manifold co-operation in the preparation of this book deserves my praise.
I am highly thankful to Dr. R.C. Sharma, formerly Director-General,