Glimpses of World Religions
humanitarian religion. This humanitarianism also is of a unique type. It does not deny the other-worldly elements as is done in the modern humanitarianism...
This religion lays special emphasis on the fundamental love of morality in man. Everywhere in this world, the moral rule prevails. In a world governed by moral law, man is not an exception. In man, there is natural and fundamental love for morals. Man, by nature, is the lover of goodness and good luck or happiness and he has the freedom of will fo“ the moral development. Moral principles (1) Five great relations :
Of the relations of different types which determine the individual's place in a society, five relations are the most important and great. These are as follows :(1) Father and Son : love in a father and respectability in a
son. (2) Elder brother and the younger brother : Good sympathy
in eleder brother and in the younger brocher, there should be humility and respect Husband-wife : In a husband there should be propriety
of behaviour and obedience in a wife. (4) Old men and the youngsters : Humane-ness in old
seniormost men and loving respectful limits in youngsters. (5) The king and the subjects : Benevolence in a king and
loyalty in the subjects.
And of all these relations, Confucius religion lays special stress on the relation between father-son and between kingsubjects because a family and kingdom are the most significant social institutions. Just as the father is the head of the family,