Glimpses of World Religions
negative. To torture others to bring about the result as wished by himself and to spread terror and violence incurred to inflict pain on others or to keep them in a prolonged impatience - all these are willed violences.
The other type is of routine or inevitable violence of primary category, which one has to do for maintaining a livelihood e.g. food and drinks, household duties or to run the daily practical life are called primary violence which is essential for producing and protecting various types of physical means of welfare. In practical life to earn one's livelihood, various kinds of violences are perpetuated. Such type of violence can be either minimised or avoided by a little caution or awareness.
The violence which is done for the maintenance of the family, for the industry or business, for the purposes of agriculture, for trade and commerce is industrial violence and is of the third kind. The root of activities is human mind only, and so, nonviolence is to be practised in worldly life; but the man who leads a life cautiously with justice and laws as well as with self-control can avoid or at least can minimise this violence. The fourth kind of violence is antagonistic violence.
The fight which is fought for the purposes of saving the life of one's own self or a country, city, clan or family at the time of aggression by the enemy, or in order to offer resistence to the injustice, to protect the freedom, for the cause of sovereignty, for the peace of the nation is called violence as opposition, or it may be called anti-agression violence. In other words, for the defence of the security in reply to the agression, that violence is called violence as opposition. Those who wish to continue the hold over material institutions, regard this as natural ordinary violence.
Violence as opposition cannot be totally removed. It is