Glimpses of world Religions
The population of Conservative Aameesh people is estimated at one lac and fifty thousand. These Aameesh population stays (is settled) in 22 different states of America as also in Ontario state of Canada. Of these, 70% of the population is settled in three states of America Viz “Indiana”, “Pensylvania”, and “Ohio". This entire Aameesh population is settled in total 900 Church District. The largest of their colony is the Aameesh colony of Ohio. In this colony, 110 Church District and about 7000 families are settled. Lancaster Region of Pensylvania also consist of a very large colony of Aameesh. There are about 100 Church Districts over there.
There is also a Loose Federation consisting 1,50,000 human population divided in 15000 families, 900 Church Districts and 200 colonies.
Living quite contrary to flow of present times, population of these Aameesh sect is increasing in leaps & bounds. In the last century their population has increased 13 times.
There is one very special centre of Aameesh Culture, Aameesh Life Style and Aameesh line of thinking. Entire Aameesh life style is set up around this centre. The centre is GE LASS EN HE IT!
“GE LASS EN HE IT” is a German word. This word has many reflectional meaning. Central and prime meaning is DEVOTIONAL OFFERING (SACRIFICE) TO GOD (ALMIGHTY) SUPER SOUL ! OBEDIENCE, DEVOTIONAL ATTACHMENT (INVOLVEMENT) WITH GOD. SELFLESSNESS, HUMILITY, SIMPLICITY, CALMNESS, BENEVOLENCE, SOCIAL LEANING and such other noble ideals are blossoming from this centralized substance.