Essentials of
out of the body are the process of the self to be here or beyond. In short he is fully busy and totally waking in things that are the objects of five sense organs and fully pregnant of the deep sleep of soul - sight.
Where the man of knowledge
is wakeful ?
पश्येत् निरन्तरं देहमात्मनोऽनात्मचेतसा । अपरात्मधियाऽन्येषामात्मत्त्वे व्यवस्थितः ।। ५७ ।।
In this verse, Acharya has given us the directions that are of an incalculable value. The enlightened and immediately seen the soul - sight is fully congnizant that soul is nothing and nothing is soul, body is alien; it is non-soul. He is fully realised that his body is not soul and his soul is not body; even he advises the people that their bodies are not their souls and vice versa; he never loves and is not tempted of the body in a positive or negative sense; even advises people not to be miserable and sorrowful at the cecay of the body and not to be infatuated