the people who would censure us for our shameless deeds. It is this sense that prevents people from being gamblers, debauchers and violent. If we desist from wrong acts, when others point out to us, it is called sense of modesty that makes us save our face by realising our faults and errors and rectify them and also to complete the tasks once undertaken. Modesty should be desired as it assists in increase of virtues. (31) Compassion :
It is our duty to help the blind, the lame, the disabled, the deaf, the dumb and those who are suffereing in adversity. The compassion is at the root of (true) religion. We do not like misery ; we want happiness. In the same way, others do not want misery either. So we should give them happiness. Give happiness and you will get happiness in return. Make others unhappy and you will get unhappiness in return. So we should be compasionate towards others. Be Compassionate to birds, beasts-cows, buffalos, ants, insects and moths. We know the famous illustration of meghakumar, who kept his foot lifted up above the ground for two days and a half in order to save the life of a hare seated underneath.
(32) Peaceful nature :
A man of peaceful and handsome nature always remains joyful. A man of peace attracts others. Even the beasts repose their confidence in him. We become angry and abuse or quarrel with others, when we are harmed. The loss is never made up by doing so. A man of peace instead will say "All right" whatever damage done is done, now it cannot be undone", because a quiet and humble person forgives the wrongs of others and advises them to be more careful in future. He avoids getting angry himself. (33) Generosity :
When we help and look after the members of our family, we only discharge our duty as it is not an obligation. It is indeed, an obligation when we show compassion to others by our actions. The help given to us for the protection and the nourishment of our body is called "Dravya-Physical action of Benevolence". But making a man realise the good of his soul by leading him on to the religious path and making him steady in his course, is called "Bhav(real) benevolence" as that alone is the real help. True
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