Book Title: English Sanskrit Dictionary
Author(s): Vaman Shivram Apte
Publisher: Radhabai Atmaram Sagoon

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Page 13
________________ ཟླ༔ཧཱུྃཧཱུྃ『aËཚོགི་ཚེ་ཟླ Atmanopada. Adjectiv. Ablative. Accusative. Adverb. Arithmetic. Bahuvribi. Et. Causal. Circumlocution. Compound. Conjunction. Denominative. E Dative. Derivative. Desiderative. Expressed. Feminine. A Figurative. Frequentative. Genitive, Generally (when followed by ex.) ABBREVIATIONS. A. Of Grammatical Terms &c. gen. abs. Genitive abso ind. lute. Indeclinable. Infinitive. inf. Instrumental. Interjection. Literal, literally. Locative. Locative abso lute. D. K. Dashakumârachari ta, I denoting the Purvapithika, and the Uttarapithika, and the Arabic figure, the number of the story. Bhartrihari, II denoting Nitishataka and III Vairagyashataka. (Bombay Edition.) instr. interj. lit. the Hitopadesha, Arabic figures denoting the four parts in their order. Kumarasambhava. loc. loc. abs. m. Math. 1. nom. P. part. pass. pot. pot. pass. part. pl. pr. Mal. Mah. Me. Mn. Mr. Mu. N. P. Masculine. Mathematics. 1 Neuter. Nominative. Parasmaipada. Participle. Passive. Potential. Potential Kadambari (Bombay Edition. Kavyadarsha. Kiratarjuniyam. Lilavati. pas sive participle. Plural. Prefixed. B. Of the Names of Works. " N. B.-Where a Roman figure is followed by an Arabic figure; the former refers to the canto or chapter, and the latter, to the number of the verse; Arabic figures in the case ef dramas &c. refer to the act or page. Bh. Ka. Kav. Ki. Li. M. Malavikagnimitra (Bombay tion.) Malatimadhava (Bombay edition) Mahabharata. Meghuduta (Calcutta Edition.) Mallinath. Edi Mrichchhakatika. Mudrarakshasa. Naishadha. prep. pron. pron. a. q. v. Panchatantra, the Roman figure denoting the num ber of the Tantra Tat. U. v. 8. sim. comp. Similar pound. v. i. VOC. v. t. R. Rat. 8. S. B. Si. S. K. Preposition. Pronoun. Pronominal ad jective. U. V. V. M. Quod vide, which see. Substantive. Ve, Vi. Y. com Tatpurusha. Ubhayapada (Parasmaipada and Atmanepada). Verb (transitive and intransitive). Verb intrapsi tive. Vocative. Verb transitive. Shankar Bhashya. Sisupalavadha. Siddhanta Kau mudi. S. R. Subhashitaratna and the Arabie, the number of the story (Bombay Edition.) Raghuvamsha. Ratnavali. Shakuntala. bhandagaram. Uttararamacharita. Vikramorvashiyam Vyavahara Mayukha (Mr. Mandlik's Edition.) Venisamhara. Viracharita. Yajnavalkya.


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