Book Title: Dravya Sangraha
Author(s): Nemichandramuni
Publisher: Chandraprabha Digambar Jain Mandir Trust

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Page 60
________________ The Sacred Book of the Jains 53 mentions many subdivisions of Asrava. Svami Kartikeya seems to support the author of Dravyasamgraha by saying, "Know these Asravas to be of various kinds, viz. Mithyatva etc.' III. Pramada or Inadvertance is said to consist of (a) Vikatha (Reprehensible talk), (b) Kasaya (Passions), (c) Indriya (Senses), (d) Nidra (Sleep) and (e) Raga (Attachment) : (a) Vikatha or reprehensible talk may be about the king (Rajakatha), the state (Rastra-katha), women (Strikatha) or food (Bhojana katha) Thus it is of four varieties. (b) Kasaya or passions are Krodha (Anger), Mana (Pride), Maya (Deceipt) and Lobha (Greed). (c) Indriya or the senses are five viz. the senses of touch, taste, smell, sight and hearing. (d) Nidra (Sleep) and (e) Raga (Attachment) to worldly objects are the last two varieties of Pramada. In some works Pramada or Inadvertance has not heen mentioned as a sub-class of Bhavasrava. The author of Dravya-Samgraha himself, in his another work called Gommata Sara, only mentions Mithyatva; Avirati, Kasaya and Yoga to be subdivisions of Asrava. IV. Yoga consists of the activities of the Manas (Mind), Vachana (speech) and Kaya (Body). Though the author of Dravya-Samgraha stops here, in other works we meet with futher subdivisions e. g. the activities of mind and speech are each divided into four classes, according as the same are true, untrue or mixed, and the activities of the body also are said to be of seven kinds. V. Kasayas or passions are four in number: Anger, Pride, Deceit and Greed. Each of these, again, are of four varieties, according as the same are of intense, great, moderate or mild degrees. Thus we get sixteen varieties of Kasaya. In some works, we get a mention of nine No-Kasayas which, together with the sixteen, make up twentyfive varieties of Kasayas. The No-Kasayas are Hasya (Laughter), Rati (Pleasure), Arati (Pain) Soka (Grief), Bhaya (Fear), Jugupsa (Hatred), Striveda (knowledge of the feminine gender), Purus-veda (knowledge of the masculine gender) and Napumsaka-veda (knowledge of the gender of a eunuch), Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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