धर्मपरीक्षा-ब प्रति वर्णन This is a paper Ms. belonging to the J. S.S. Sangha, Sholapur. It has got 91 folios. Folios 1 & 91 are written on one side only. It is written in Nagari Characters. It measures 28x12 cms. Usually the Anuswar is used but there are no Padimatras. Words like कर्म, दर्प etc. are written in this manner. Each page has 10 lines and each line about 40 letters. Though written in black ink the broad marginal lines, the central spoat in blank space, the marginal spot, the numbers of verses and the colophon are in red ink. In a few first pages the ink is rubbed.
It opens with the symbol of Bhale ||६०॥ followed by ओं नमः सिद्धेभ्यः ॥ Then the text श्रीमान् etc. After the colophon of the 20th chapter there is the Prashasti--'सिद्धान्तपाथोनिधि' etc. in 20verses. Then 'इति धर्मपरीक्षा समाप्ता ॥ लेखक-पाठकयोः शुभं ॥
धर्मपरीक्षा-क प्रति वर्णन This is a paper Ms. belonging to the B. O. R. I. No. 1091 of 1891-95. It measures 20.5x14.5 cms. It contains 111 folios written on both the sides excepting the first which is written one side only. It is written in Nagari in big letters. The style of writing shows a slight change after the 40th folio. Each page has 10 lines and each line about 30 letters. It writes कर्म, धर्म, निसर्ग etc.; but there are no Padimatras. The fore marginal lines are thin in black ink. The numbers and colophons are covered with red chalk. There are some marginal notes here and there. Their number is larger at the beginning and they are almost absent after page No. 81.
The Ms. opens with Bhale followed by a tar and then that etc. At the end after the colophon of the chapter 20th there is the प्रशस्ति in 20 verses. At its close इत्यमितगतिकृता धर्मपरीक्षा समाप्तः ॥छ। शुभं भवतु ॥ छ । ।। शुभं भवतु ॥ ।।
Then in a different hand :
संवत् १६०७ वर्षे ॥ कात्तिक सुदि १४ शुक्रवासरे ॥ अश्विनि नक्षत्रे श्री मूलसंघे नंद्याम्नाये बलात्कारगणे सरश्वतोगछे श्रीकुंदकुंदाचार्यान्वये भ. श्री पद्मनंदिदेवास्तत्पट्टे भ. श्री शुभचंद्रदेवास्तत्पट्टे भ. श्रीजिणचंद्रदेवारतत्पट्टे भ. श्रीप्रभाचंद्रदेवास्तछिष्य मं. श्रीधर्मचंद्रदेवास्तदाम्नाये खंडेलवालान्वये भौसागोत्रे सा. णेपाल तद्भार्या चोरवी तयोः पुत्रौ द्वौ प्र. सा. परवत द्वि. सा. सूजू परवतभायें दे. प्र. पौंसिरि द्वि. लाडी तत्पुत्रौ द्वौ प्र. सा. छोहल द्वि. सा. धर्मदाश छीहलभायें द्वे प्र. नानिगी द्वि. सुहागदे तत्पुत्रौ द्वौ प्र. सा. भीषा द्वि. चि. मोहण भीखाभार्या भिखसिरि सा. सूजू भायें द्वे प्र. सोना द्वि. लाडा......(अपूर्ण)
ड प्रति वर्णन This is a paper Ms. belonging to the B.O. R. I. Poona, No. 1076 of 1884-87 New No. 24. It measures 32x14.5 cms. It has got 79 folios written on both the sides excepting the first which is written one side only. Each page contains 11 lines on the first page & 12 lines on other pages. The edges of the folios are broken here and there and some times mended. It is written in Nagari Characters in black ink. Throughout the अनुस्वार is written and धर्म, कर्म are written thus. The writing spars