8. Restriction of Conduct
[people), he should not be delighted with gossip[ing], [but] he should always be content to study. 42. With zeal he should give his labour to the law of the monks, (then) he will reach the highest goal. 43. In order to obtain a good existence in this world or the next one, he should serve a learned [monk] and ask him for his decisions on [various] subjects. 44. [For this purpose), he should sit down near his Guru, his hands, feet, and body motionless, with subdued senses, and entirely protected [from temptation). 45. He should not stand by the side of, nor before, nor behind his Guru, nor lay one leg upon the other. 46. He should not speak without being asked, [nor) interrupt another one who is speaking, nor [indulge in] backbiting and should avoid deceitful untruth. 47. In no case he should utter a speech which might cause indignation or raise the anger of the man spoken to, [for such speech] would lead to evil [consequences]. 48. Taking good care of himself, he should utter (such] speech [only] as is based on [things he has] seen [himself), measured, straightforward, well-finished, clear, not prolix, [and] not ill-humoured. 49. When he notices that sa monk] who has mastered the Ayāra and the [Viyāha-1 Pannatti [and] who is studying the Diţthivāya, makes a mistake in speaking, he should not mock him. 50. To a householder he should not explain the meaning of] a Nakshatra, a dream, a [sidereal] conjunction, an omen, a spell, [and] a medicine, [for such speech) is likely to offend another being.
51. He should use a place of rest, a bed or a seat which are prepared for others, not far from a place of excretion, and not frequented by women and animals. 52. The bed should stand alone, he should not chat with women nor become acquainted with the lord of the house, but with [Other] monks (of his creed]. 53. As a chicken will always be in danger from a cat, 80 a chaste monk is in danger from the bodi[ly contact) with a woman. 54. He should not meditate on the paintings on a wall nor on a woman wearing ornaments, and should turn away the eyes as if he had looked into the sun. 55. He should avoid the contact with a man whose hand or foot have been cut off [in punishment] or whose ear or nose have undergone a [pathological] change [and] with a woman, even of hundred years' age. 56. Ornaments, contact with a woman, spiced food