Book Title: Chanakya Explored in Jaina Literature Author(s): Nalini Joshi Publisher: Firodaya Prakashan View full book textPage 6
________________ VI PUBLISHER'S NOTE & PREFACE 'Seth Hirachand Nemchand Chair in Jain Philo Literature, Logic and Culture', was established on 17/07/1976 in the University of Pune. Late Prof. S.S.Barlingay exerted a lot for establishing the Chair and naturally it was attached to the Department of Philosophy. Due to various reasons the Chair was defunct and produced only two-three small publications over the years. The Chair was revived in 2007 under the Vice-Chancellor of Shri Ratnakar Gaikwad and Dr. Narendra Jadhav. The concerned University authorities continued the same policy about the Chair and helped a lot to fulfil the aim of the Chair viz. “To promote and spread the Jainological Studies by Research, Popular Activities and Publications." Firodia Publications' is a wing of Seth H.N.Jain Chair which was specifically created to publish books on various Jainological topics. We are very much glad to publish the 11th book under Firodia Publications titled - "Chāņakya : Explored in the Jaina Literature” which is the outcome of a research projectPage Navigation
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