Book Title: Book Reviews
Author(s): J W De Jong
Publisher: J W De Jong

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Page 6
________________ 72 REVIEWS mentions is Elek Csetri, who has here contributed an article on 'Csoma de Körös's Life Before His Oriental Journey' (pp. 143-158). Since the publication of Duka's book much information seems to have been discovered concerning the life and the activities of Csoma de Kőrös. It is to be hoped that this information will be made accessible in English in a new biography. Another desideratum is a bibliography of publications relating to Csoma de Körös with a short analysis of those written in Hungarian. These two volumes include 46 articles written by scholars from 17 countries. The articles are published according to the alphabetical order of the names of the scholars: Volume 1. Beckwith – Kychanov; Volume 2. Ligeti-Zieme. It is perhaps useful to arrange these contributions according to topics as follows: Tibetan grammar and lexicography: Kun Chang and Betty Shefts Chang, 'The Spoken Tibetan Verb KAP (pp. 131-142); A. Róna-Tas, 'Some Remarks on the Vowel System of Spoken Tibetan' (pp. 215-235); G. Kara, 'A Stra-nag Glossary in Grum-Grzimajlo's Travels' (pp. 321-362); Roy Andrew Miller, 'Linguistic Devices and Techniques in the First Tibetan Grammatical Treatise' (pp. 175-195); R. E. Emmerick, 'Tibetan Lexical Notes' (pp. 207-210); Alice Sárközi, 'A Tibeto-Mongolian Manuscript of Lexicographical Explanations to the Rgyud-bži" (pp. 249-279). Tibetan manuscripts and literature: L. S. Savitsky, 'Tunhuang Tibetan Manuscripts in the Collection of the Leningrad Institute of Oriental Studies' (pp. 281-290); Helmut Eimer, 'Zur Stellung des Narthang-Druckes in der Überlieferung des tibetischen Kanjur' (pp. 199-205); Alex Wayman, 'The Interlineary-type Commentary in Tibetan' (pp. 367–379); Christopher I. Beckwith, A Hitherto Unnoticed Yüan-Period Collection Attributed to 'Phagspa' (pp. 9-16); Anne-Marie Blondeau, 'Le "découvreur" du Mani bka-'bum était-il bon-po?' (pp. 77–123); Sh. Bira, 'Some Extracts from Sh. Damdin's Manuscript Copy of the Hu-lan deb-ther' (pp. 59–75); László Lorincz, ‘Märchen, Sagen und Schwänke vom Dach der Welt (Tibetische Tiermärchen und Dre-mo Märchen)' (pp. 117–127). Tibetan niti literature: Géza Bethlenfalvy, 'The Šatagāthā Attributed to Vararuci' (pp. 17–58); Michael Hahn, “Zu den Quellen einiger Strophen aus Sa skya Panditas Subhasitaratnanidhi' (pp. 251-266); T. Malanova, 'On the Sanskrit Subhāṣita-Literature in Tibet' (pp. 141-151). Buddhist Philosophy: Judit Fehér, 'Buddhapālita's Mūlamadhyamakavrtti - Arrival and Spread of Prāsangika-Mādhyamika Literature in Tibet' (pp. 211-240); Christian Lindtner, 'Bhavya's Controversy with Yogācāra in the Appendix to Prajñāpradīpa, Chapter XXV (pp. 77-97); Marek Mejor, 'A Contribution to the Biography of Vasubandhu from Tibetan Sources' (pp. 159–173). Zoltán Horváth, 'Structure and Content of the Chad-ma rigs-pa'i gter, an Epistemological Treatise of Saskya Pandita' (pp. 267-302). Tantrism: G. M. Bongard-Levin, 'A New Fragment of the Sanskrit Sumukhadhārant' (pp. 125-129); L. S. Kawamura, 'Thus Have I said - A Preliminary Study of the Tantra' (pp. 363–375); Lokesh Chandra, 'Vaipulya


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