Book Title: Book Reviews
Author(s): J W De Jong
Publisher: J W De Jong

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Page 36
________________ 232 REVIEWS of the entire text into Japanese by G. Nakano.14 She adds that this translation is based upon the Sanskrit text. However, Nakano's translation is made from the Chinese version. Nakano remarked in his introduction that this version is difficult to understand and that he often had to consult the Sanskrit text and the English translation in order to understand it.15 This version was carefully studied by U. Wogihara. 16. Although Hedinger takes care to point out the mistakes made by Bendall and Rouse, his own translations are full of mistakes. Moreover, there are many spelling errors in Sanskrit words, wrong references and other traces of great carelessness. It inspires very little confidence, for instance, to read on p. 2 Prasanghika, and to find the same form repeated on p. 8. On p.41 he quotes the form bāhyagatacitta. However, the text has bahirga tena cittena (S = Siksāsamuccaya, ed. Bendall, p. 197.5). This word occurs in an extract from the Ratnamegha and not from the Ratnakūta as stated in note 37. In note 39, the reference to B., p. 197,4ff should be to B., p. 198, 1ff. On p. 59 Hedinger quotes the word ananga instead of anangana On p. 229.14, the text has vişamayā jīvati. In a note Bendall says: "So MS. Read vişamataya?”. Hedinger notes: "Ms. lesen visamataya” (p. 109, n. 55). On p. 231.2 the text has ghattanasahişnuḥ. Hedinger misreads this as ghatna- (p. 113, n. 89). On p. 115 several lines of the text seem to have disappeared after soll der Körper vom Bodhisattva betrachtet werden." On p. 170 one finds the name Böhtlink. In quite a few instances the translation by Bendall and Rouse is correct and that of Hedinger wrong. For instance, on p. 212 the text mentions three antidotes against hatred: dvesasya maitri pratipaksah / apriyasatvādarśanam ca tena vā saha bhojanādyekārthatayā prityutpadanam. Rouse translated: "For hatred, benevolence is the antidote, and not to see those that are disagreeable; or by encouraging the pleasure that comes from association in such matters as meals." In his translation Conze changed those that are disagreeable" into "Unpleasant people". Rouse's translation is correct apart from the fact that he does not render tena saha: "not to see an unpleasant being or by producing pleasure through association with him in such matters as meals". In a note, Hedinger quotes the German rendering of Conze's translation and the translation by Rouse without noticing that Conze follows Rouse in his rendering of bhojanādyekarthataya prītyu tpadanam (p. 80, n. 153). He writes: Wenn man hingegen bhojana für bhoga nimmt und artha dem p. 19 erwähnten anartha entgegenstellt, ergibt sich, dass Besitz zu priti führen kann." Rouse correctly translated caryapratipanna (s. 212.13) by "begun their religious practices". Hedinger translates "die den Bodhisattvawandel bereits praktiziert haben", and in a note explains that this refers to Bodhisattvas who have already cultivated the pāramitās for a long time (p. 82, n. 162). Rouse translated parsvapārsvaka (s. 228.13) by "side and ribs" whereas Hedinger has "Rippengegend" (p. 106). Rouse correctly translated


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