Book Title: Autobiograpy of Gyani Purush A M Patel Author(s): Dada Bhagwan Publisher: Dada Bhagwan Foundation View full book textPage 9
________________ Autobiography of Gnani Purursh Autobiography of Gnani Purursh presence of the twenty-four tirthankaras. The One with an Honest Heart Found The Real Thing Questioner: How did Akram Gnan manifest within you? Did it occur naturally by itself or did you have to meditate for Dadashri: It is the balance and extract of many previous lives. As a result of them all, this Akram Gnan has manifested naturally. Questioner: This occurred but naturally to you, but how? Dadashri: I have to say 'but natural' for people to understand but it occurred as a result of many scientific circumstantial evidences coming together. Questioner: Which evidences? Dadashri: There were all kinds of evidences; the time must have been right for the salvation of the world. Once that happened, an instrument was then necessary to present it to the world. Dadashri: It occurred on its own; it was 'but natural'. I did not do any such meditation. How is it possible for me to acquire something so phenomenal? I did have some inkling that I will be blessed with some light of the Self. My heart was pure. I had done everything with a pure heart and that is why I felt that I would acquire something worthy, like Self-realization. I felt I would acquire some light of Knowledge but instead what manifested was total radiance of the absolute knowledge. The Worldly Life Is Not An Impediment To Liberation Questioner: Why did you not become a renunciate? Dadashri: There was no circumstance for renunciation It is not that I disliked renunciation but I did not see any circumstance for it. And besides, I believed that the worldly life does not obstruct liberation. I believed very strongly in that. It is not the worldly life that obstructs liberation, it is the ignorance of the Self that does. Yes, Lord Mahavir did talk about the path of renunciation but He spoke about it in general. He did not emphasize it. And it is with emphasis and assurance that I am saying that the worldly life does not obstruct liberation. Akram Vignan Is The Result Of Many Lives of Spiritual Search Questioner: Akram Gnan is the result of how many previous lives' spiritual endeavor? The State Before Gnan: The Dawn Before Sunrise Gnanakshepakvant is a state wherein a person has continuous thoughts related to the Soul and it never breaks. Such was the continuity of thoughts I had - it would continue for days and days. I checked about this state in the scriptures and then I understood that what I was experiencing was the state of gnanakshepakavant. Who do you worship? Questioner: People come to do your darshan Dada, but whom do you worship? Which God does Dada worship? Dadashri: I worship the Lord, Dada Bhagwan that has manifested within me. T' and 'Dada Bhagwan' Are Not the Same Questioner: Why do you allow yourself to be addressedPage Navigation
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