Book Title: Aura A Theoretical and Practical Research
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Bharatiya Prachin Sahitya Vaigyanik Rahasya Shodh Sanstha
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such references; the publication of this book could not be possible for last three years. After a lapse of four years, last year with references and additional matter it has been published in Gujarati language. It is a matter of great pleasure that now it has been translated into English, and is going to be published for a wider audience - Jains, Non-Jains, Indians and foreigners alike.
Here it is necessary to mention that the practical research case history mentioned here is made by Dr J. M. Shah & Dr Amaresh Mehta, Ahmedabad. Aura photographs presented here are taken from his laptop.
I am very much obliged to Mr. Maheshbhai P. Dave for English translation and particularly to Miss. Nileshwari Kothari for editing all the matter of the book with lucid, authentic and perfect English translation of this book. Without her co-operation perhaps this book would not have seen the light of the day.
I am very grateful to my disciple Muni Shri Jinkirtivijayaji, Mr. Supreme P. Shah, Mr. Akshay A. Gandhi and others for giving their co-operation in my research, editing and publishing work.
I am very much thankful to His Holiness Acharya Shri vijay Hemchandrasuriji Maharaja, His Holiness Acharya Shri vijay Pradyumnasuriji Maharaja and especially to my beloved friend and a learned scholar His Holiness Upadhyaya Shri Bhuvanchandraji Maharaja, who inspired me every moment for such research work by removing all my frustration and by giving me important suggestions regarding this translation and writng a foreword to it.
Finally, for anything is described herein against the scriptures and sermon of Lord Mahāvirasvāmi, I seek forgiveness.
24th February 2008
Acharya vijay Nandighoshsuri Vijay Amrutsuri Jnana Mandir, Dolatnagar, Borivali (East) Mumbai - 66
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