Book Title: Aura A Theoretical and Practical Research
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Bharatiya Prachin Sahitya Vaigyanik Rahasya Shodh Sanstha
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Aura and Colour Therapy eliminated with the help of colour therapy.
1. Red Colour: This is fire element. It activates the nadi system and blood circulation. This colour is beneficial to tissues and liver. It activates the right side of the brain. If red colour is used frequently than it causes fever and weakness."
2. Yellow Colour: This colour has more energy than red. It can enliven dead cells. Yellow is the colour of intelligence and philosophy. It can remove mental weakness and sadness. It is indicative of delight and pleasure.
3. Orange Colour: This colour is the combination of red and yellow. It activates Thyroid gland. It makes lungs wider and stronger. It activates both spleen and pancreas.
4. Green Colour: This is the colour of Nitrogen gas. It is the colour of peace. It is useful for mental peace and physical health. It cures blood pressure and stress of the blood veins. When a person is emotionally disturbed he is treated with green colour. This colour is a combination of yellow and blue.''
5. Indigo Colour: Due to this colour the blood veins get contracted so that blood pressure goes up. When blood becomes too active and hot this colour is used to make it normal. This colour is a symbol of meditation and spirituality. It calms the mind and activates the Visuddhi chakra."
6. Blue Colour: This is the colour of strength, high energy and joy. In the aura of a completely healthy and happy person blue colour can be seen in abundance. This colour takes the consciousness to such a height that one loses the awareness of his physical self and attains a state
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