Book Title: Aura A Theoretical and Practical Research
Author(s): Nandighoshvijay
Publisher: Bharatiya Prachin Sahitya Vaigyanik Rahasya Shodh Sanstha
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Aura : A Theoretical and Practical Research Dr Mehta is a mystery which remains to be solved.
Image No. N. 1 This image covers the face only. Here, on the face only white and blue colours are seen. The aura around the face is only white, no other colour is seen. On the basis of that it can be said that his aura is absolutely pure and his spiritual level is very high. His white aura indicates Jain Philosophy's Sukla Lēśyā. Remember, white colour of his aura is natural. No aura cleansing has been done.
Image No. N - 2 and Image No. N - 3 These images cover the organs up to belly. On the both sides and also in the hands upto elbow red, green and yellow colours are seen. On the basis of this it can be said that he must have some minor problem in hands. Other than this, heart, lungs, stomach are completely healthy. No problems are seen there.
Image No. N - 4 This image covers parts starting from head to waist. In this image some trouble is seen in his neck behind the head. That part of his body seems to be painful due to some reason. It seems that lower portion of his left side and left portion of his back and left hand are affected with some disease. On being asked, he said that as he is habituated to sleep on left side, the weight of the body falls on the left hand, so it causes some pain. Moreover, his back gets stiffed every morning, and after some movement for ten minutes some relief can be felt.
Image No. N - 5 In this image only the back is covered, so that the trouble in the back is clearly seen. The spot, where red colour seen on the left side of his back, was operated five years ago due to Infected sebaceous cyst.
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