Book Title: Asita Deval in Isibhasiyai
Author(s): Lallan Gopal
Publisher: Z_Aspect_of_Jainology_Part_3_Pundit_Dalsukh_Malvaniya_012017.pdf

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Page 14
________________ Asita-Dedala in Isibhasiyai . . 87 51. 47. Ibid., pp. 126-127- जो मुसं भासए किंचि अप्पं वा जइ वा बहु / अप्पण' अठ्ठा परस्स वा लिप्पए पाव-कम्मणा / / feni heS FT 3 **** **** | मेहुणं सेवइ जो उ तेरिच्छं दिव्वं माणुसं / 2197-, afuma' star feng ara-FFAotr 11 48. Ibid., p. 127. He refers to the metrical defect in lines 2, 3 and 5 and to the use of kammana instead of kammuna of verses 1-3. A. M. Sethiya, op. cit. 50. From the seventh to the seventeenth we have mana, maya lobha, raga, dvesa, klesa, abhyakhyana, pisunata, paraparivada, rati-arati and maya-misa. Op. cit., p. 11 : 'wavering in the judging of the riddhi (9 and 45), and the error concerning the agandhana (45), the repeated use of the same motto in 26 and 32, the transformation of current names, the Rsi Ketaliputta besides Tetaliputta'. 52. Our reconstruction is to be published shortly. 53. For a similar use of the verb pravraj see Jabalopanisad, 4--vani bhutop pravra jet; Baudhayana-dharmasutra, II. 10.2, 18m-brahamacaryavan pravraja tityekesam. 54. Kstyakalpataru, Vol. XIV, p. 49. 55. Viriyattae (Skt. viryartham) may be taken to make an indirect allusion to Jainism. Mahavira is the name of the twenty-fourth tirthaikara of the Jainas, who is often glorified as the real founder of Jainism. Sankara on Vedantasatra, I. 4. 28. One of the earliest full account of the eight siddhis is associated with the Devala-dharmasutra. Our article "Devaladharmasutra on Aisvarya" appears in Sri Dines acandrika : Studies in Indology (D. C. Sircar Felicitation Volume), pp. 153-58. . 57. This seems to have been the original and early meaning of the term brahmacarya. This will be an indicator of an early date for Devala. 58. See, for example, passages on the four varnas in our article on "Devala dharmasutra on Varnas and Jatis", Dr. R. N. Dandekar Felicitation Volume, Delhi 1984, pp. 239-245. 59. Both employ the terms muccha, gehi, dosenam and pavakamma in a specific sense. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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