Adjust Everywhere
Adjust Everywhere
"Don't see laws, please settle". Where is the time to ask the other person to settle and adjust? Even if the other person makes hundreds of mistakes, consider them your own mistakes and move on. In these times, where is the place to seek justice? These are bad times. Chaos exists everywhere. People are puzzled. When he goes home, his wife yells at him and his children pout. At work his employer bosses over him. In the subways he is pushed around by the mass of people. There is no peace anywhere. Everyone needs peace. If someone erupts in a quarrel, we should be compassionate and think: "Goodness, he must feel so frustrated that he is quarreling." Those who become frustrated are weak.
It is better not to accuse anyone at all. If you become an accuser, you will be accused. We do not want any part of this. If someone insults you, accept it. Credit it to your account. How do you feel about this? Is it good to be an accuser? Why not adjust from the beginning?
Adjustment in daily life interactions is Gnan. Adjust. Let us say you attempt to adjust and fail. Adjust again. For example, you have said something hurtful. This act of yours was not under your control. Later you become aware of your mistake. Generally, you do not adjust in this situation. From now on, make sure that you adjust by saying, "Dear friend, forgive me for my mistake. I hurt you with my words at that time." This is adjustment. Do you have any objection to this approach?
Questioner: No, none whatsoever.
Questioner: Many times, we have to adjust with two people at the same time and concerning the same matter. How can we deal with that all at once?
At home, one must know how to adjust. If we come home late from satsang, what will she say? "You should keep an eye on the time." What is wrong with coming home a little early?
Have you ever seen how a bullock is handled on the farm? When the bullock does not move, he is prodded with a long stick with a nail at the end, but if he keeps moving, he will not be hurt. What can the dumb beast do? Whom can it complain to? If people were poked and prodded like this, others will come to their rescue, but whom can the poor animal complain to? Why does a husband suffer in this manner? This is the result of his actions in his previous life. In his previous life he had accused others a lot. At that time he was in power, just like the man who prods the bull. Now, you are powerless so adjust without any complaints. So in this life, do "plusminus". (This is Dadashri's terminology to settle past accounts).
Dadashri : You can deal with both. Even if you had to adjust to seven people, you could still do it. If one asks, "What have you done for me?" Your reply should be, "Yes, I will do what you want me to." To another person you simply repeat the same thing. Nothing will happen outside vyavasthit. Do not to create conflict. Adjustment is the key. With 'yes' there is liberation. Is anything going to happen outside vyavasthit if you say, "Yes" to seven such people? If you say, "No" to anyone, there will be problems.