Adjust Everywhere Questioner: What do you mean by revolutions?
Dadashri : Revolution refers to the speed of thinking of a person. It varies from person to person. An event will show you so many things within a minute. It shows you all its phases at a time. The president's revolutions per minute are 1200, mine are at 5000, and Lord Mahavir's were 100,000.
What is the cause behind these clashes? Your wife has 100 revolutions, and you have 500. You do not know how to employ a 'counter-pulley', to slow down your revolutions. This results in arguments, clashes, fights and sometimes the whole engine may break.
Do you understand what I mean by 'revolutions'? If you talk to a laborer, he will not understand what you are trying to say, because his revolutions are 50, and yours are 500. People's revolutions are according to their level of development. He will understand what you are trying to say only after you insert a counter-pulley and slow down your revolutions. I use a counter-pulley with everyone therefore I do not have conflicts with anyone. I know that this person has only so many revolutions and therefore, I adjust the counter-pulley accordingly. Removal of ego alone is not enough to make the other person understand you. A counterpulley must also be used. I get along with small children, because I use a counter-pulley with them too. If I did not, then their engine would break.
Questioner: Does this mean that a meaningful conversation can only occur when we come down to the level of the other person?
Dadashri: Yes. You will be able to communicate with
Adjust Everywhere
them, only when you come to their level of revolutions. If you do not know how to apply a counter-pulley, what fault is it of the engine with lesser revolutions?
You just have to recognize how the machinery works. If the fuse blows, how should you replace it? You should know how to adjust to the other person's nature. I adjust when the other person blows his fuse. What happens when he can adjust no more? The fuse is gone. There is darkness and he bumps into the wall, or the door. However, the wire is still intact. If someone fixes the fuse, it will work again. Until then he will continue to be frustrated.
The greatest suffering comes from maladjustment. Why not adjust everywhere?
Questioner: It requires effort.
Dadashri : No effort is needed. You just have to follow my aagna, by saying, 'Dada has told us to adjust everywhere'. Then adjustments will follow. If your wife calls you a thief, then you should tell her that she is correct, and if she wants to buy a saree, give her a few extra rupees.
One day of Brahma is equal to one whole lifetime. Why all these hassles just to live one day of Brahma? If you were to live one hundred years of Brahma, then the argument, "why should we adjust?" is reasonable and you could start making your claims. However, if you want to end this quickly, what should you do? Should you adjust or fight back? Life is too short. Your work needs to be finished quickly by adjusting