571 What are the three of the five causes of Äshrav (of karmas)?
572 Out of the five causes of bandh given here in random order namely yoga, avirati, mithyatva, pramad, and kashay which one is removed last in spiritual progress?
573 Of the 9 Tattvas, one tattva is considered
Upadeya for the beginners while it is considered Heya for spiritually advanced. Name this tattva 574 Some literatures define Punya and Pap tattvas as part of which other tattva and hence not counted separately making it only 7 tattvas? Name that tattva
Wrong Belief (Mithyätva) Vowlessness/ Non-abstinence | Nav Tattva I (Avirati) Negligence (Pramäd) Passions (Kashäy) Activities (Yoga)
576 What is the ritual of repentance called?
577 Name any four external austerities.
Punya Tattva
Ashrav, since Punya and Pap are result of the Ashravs
575 Answer each of the following 1) Name the Tattva 1) Ashrav 2) Nirjara
which indicates the influx of any karma. 2)
Name the Tattva which means the destruction of karmas.
1) Anshan (fasting), 2) Unodari (partial fasting), 3) Vrutti sankshep (limiting number of food items consumed) 4) Ras tyäg (Not eating or limiting tasty foods) 5) Käyäklesh (Physical forbearance) 6) Sanlintä (control of senses)
578 Name the austerities in the original word - 1) One 1) Attham 2) Sanllekhnä
observes fast for consecutive 3 days. 2) One embraces voluntary death by abandoning food and water, while being in a continuous state of meditation, when the end of life is very near due to the old age or incurable disease.
Nav Tattva I
Nav Tattva I
Nav Tattva I
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Nav Tattva II
Nav Tattva II