Prayaschitta, Vinay, Vaiyavacch or Vaiyavrutta and Swadhyay
Nav Tattva II
607 During Dhyan, one contemplates and meditates
on the nature of the soul after acquiring four
other virtues or internal Taps? Name all the four 608 Jainism explains that on a path of spiritual
progress a person should remove the previously acquired karma before their maturity. What is this type of Nirjarä сalled?
Nav Tattva II
Akam Nirjara. When it happens naturally when we wait for karmas to produce their results at the time of their maturity is called Sakam Nirjara
Nav Tattva II
Tan Val
Kshama, Sanyam, Tap
Nav Tattva II
(Federation of) Jain Assocations In North America
609 Sitting in a lonely place in various postures, with
all the senses and mind withdrawn inwardly and giving up the pleasures of the five senses and the mind is what kind of Tap? | Tap, Vaiyyavrutta, Vinay, Kshama and Sanyam. Out the above five, list the virtues as listed under
10 Yati dharmas 611 | This is the full form of acronym JAINA (capital
letters). 612 The Answers to the following questions start with
the letter C 1) Name of the snake that bit Mahävir Bhagwan 2) Name of the princess who broke Mahavir Bhagwan's fast 3) One of the three jewels. Samyak
4) One of the eight attributes of Arihant, created by heavenly Gods. 5) Birthplace and Nirvana of Vasupujya Swami 6) A kind of Pratikraman performed every four months.
1) Chandakaushik 2) Chandanbäla 3) Chäritra 4) Chämar 5) Champäpuri 6) Chaumäsi