718 Name the longest unit of time.
719 Soul, matter, and Time exist only in this kind of space. Name that space in the original word. 720 Name the non-living substances of the universe.
721 Human body is which one of six dravyas and which one of nav tattvas
722 What is the smallest unit of time?
723 Name the four forms of Pudgal
724 During which aras of the Jain Time Cycle can souls attain moksh?
725 Devas (Celestial beings) and Närakis (Infernal beings) have this type of body.
726 What dravyas are the visible ones, and which dravyas are the invisible ones?
Medium of motion, or Dharmastikay, Medium of rest, or Adharmastikay, Space, or Akashastikay, Matter, or Pudgakastikay or Pudgal, Time or kal.
Pudgal dravya and Ajeev Tattva
Skandha (whole-mass), Desha (portion of mass), Pradesha (smallest part of matter), and Paramanu (atom)
the 3rd and 4th aras
Visible: material atoms (Pudgalastikay) Invisible: medium of motion (Dharmastikay), medium of rest (Adharmastikay), space (Akashastikay), and time (kal)
727 After destruction of all charitra mohaniya karma, Vitarag state
the soul attains a passionless state. Name this state in indian language only
728 what is the duration of Dukham Sukham,
Dukham and Dukham Dukham Kaals respectively?
729 How long is the fourth ara (DukhamSukham)?
IKK Sagaropam - 42000 years, 21000 and 21000 years respectively
1*10^14 sagaropams - 42,000 years
Six Universal Substances Six Universal Substances Six Universal Substances
Six Universal Substances Six Universal Substances Six Universal Substances
Six Universal Substances Six Universal Substances Six Universal Substances
Six Universal Substances
Six Universal Substances
Six Universal