693 What are we supposed to say when we see a Jain
monk? Give the meaning of it. 694 What are Yati-Dharmas?
Mathen vandami. I bow down my head to you and offer Sadhus/Sadhvis my reverence to you. They are religious virtues that Sadhu and Sadhvi's Sadhus/Sadhvis follow Panyäs-pad
695 When a Sadhu obtains a comprehensive
knowledge of all the agams, what is the title
conferred upon him? 696 Name the 5 pap that valuate the 5 Anuvrat.
Pranatipat, Mrushavad, Adatadaana, Maithuna, Parigraha Collection of spaces
697 What is Astikäy?
Shravaks and Shravikas Six Universal Substances Six Universal Substances
698 What is Skandh?
Any object, which has a mass of matter, is called Skandha. e.g. stick, stone, knife, a particle of sand
699 What is Skandh-Pradesh?
Six Universal
The smallest undetached portion of Skandha, which cannot be further divided, is called Skandha Pradesha.
700 One Yuga is equal to
5 years
Six Universal Substances Six Universal Substances
701 Name all five categories of Sthävar (Immobile)
living beings
1) Prithvikäy earth bodied); 2) Apkäy (water bodied): 3) Teukäy (fire bodied);4) Vayukäy (air bodied); 5) Vanaspatikäy (plant bodied)
702 One Ävali equals to
Innumerable Samays it is the time it takes to blink an eye) Dukham Käl;It is an Arä of unhappiness, which began a little over 2,500 years ago and will last for a total of 21,000 years.;
Six Universal Substances Six Universal Substances
703 What is the other name of 5th ara? Give its
beginning and end