Chapter 02 - Tirthankars Time rolls along in eternal cycles of rise and decline. Utsarpini is a "rising" era in, which human morale and natural conditions improve over time. At the end of Utsarpini, begins Avasarpini, a "declining" era of the same length, in, which human morale and virtues deteriorate. Each era consists of six sub divisions called Aräs. During the 3rd and 4th Aräs of every rising and declining era of each cycle, twenty-four souls become Tirthankars in our region known as Bharat Kshetra. They are the humans like us who rise to that level. They had gradually purified their soul in prior lives after achieving Samyag Darshan and had acquired a special karma called Tirthankar Näm Karma. The Tirthankar Näm Karma is acquired by performing one or more of the 20 specific austerities.
Tirthankar Näm Karma matures in the final life and leads the person to become a Tirthankar after taking Diksha and observing austerities to destroy all Ghäti (destructive) karmas. After attaining omniscience (Kevaljnän), Tirthankar organizes the Jain religion to suit the changing times. They reinstate the fourfold order of Sädhus (monks), Sadhvis (nuns), Shrävaks (male householders), and Shrävikäs (female householders) of Jain religion.
Tirthankars are also called Arihantas, Jinas, Kevalis, and Vitaragi. Arihanta means "destroyer of inner enemies," Jin means "victor of inner enemies," and Vitaragi means "one who does not have attachment or hatred towards anyone or anything." This means that they are totally detached from worldly aspects. They have destroyed four Ghäti Karmas, namely:
Jnänävaraniya (knowledge obscuring) Karma Darshanävaraniya (perception obscuring) Karma Mohaniya (deluding) Karma Antaraya (obstructing) Karma
Kalyanak (Auspicious Events) Jains celebrate five major events from the life of a Tirthankar. (auspicious events). They are:
They are called Kalyanak
Chyavana or Garbha Kalyänak - (Conception Event) This is the event when a Tirthankar's soul leaves its previous body, and is conceived in the mother's womb.
Janma Kalyänak - (Birth Event) This is the event when the Tirthankar is born.
Diksha or Tapa Kalyänak - (Initiation Event) This is the event when the Tirthankar gives up all his/her worldly possessions and becomes a monk/nun.
Kevaljnän Kalyänak - (Omniscience Event) This is the event when a Tirthankar completely destroys four Ghäti Karmas and attains the Kevaljnän (absolute knowledge). Celestial angels create a Samavasaran for
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