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## Chapter 62: Description of the Six Substances and Five Astikayas
This chapter aims to explain the six substances and five astikayas. The six substances are: **Jiva**, **Pudgala**, **Dharma**, **Adharma**, **Akasha**, and **Kala**. The qualities and categories of the four substances, Dharma and the rest, will be explained in detail later. Here, we will first discuss the qualities of **Jiva**.
The qualities of **Jiva** are **Chetana** (consciousness) and **Upayoga** (application). **Chetana** has two types: **Shuddha Chetana** (pure consciousness) and **Ashuddha Chetana** (impure consciousness). **Upayoga** also has two types: **Jnana Upayoga** (knowledge application) and **Darshan Upayoga** (perception application). **Jnana Chetana** is considered **Shuddha Chetana**. **Karma Chetana** (action consciousness) and **Karmaphal Chetana** (fruit of action consciousness) are considered **Ashuddha Chetana**. The nature of these three types of **Chetana** will be explained in detail later under the heading of **Chetana**.
**Jnana Upayoga** is **Savikalpa** (with discrimination), while **Darshan Upayoga** is **Nirvikalpa** (without discrimination). **Jnana Upayoga** has eight types: **Mati**, **Shruta**, **Avadhi**, **Man:paryaya**, and **Kevala** - these five are **Samyag Jnana** (right knowledge). The other three are **Kumati**, **Kushruta**, and **Vibhang Jnana** (wrong knowledge). Among these, **Kevala Jnana** is pure and free from all **Avarana** (coverings). The remaining seven types of knowledge, starting with **Mati Jnana**, are **Kshayopa-shamic** (mitigating the obscurations), have **Avarana**, and are impure.
**Darshan Upayoga** has four types: **Chakshu Darshan** (eye perception), **Achakshu Darshan** (non-eye perception), **Avadhi Darshan** (clairvoyance), and **Kevala Darshan** (omniscience). Among these, **Devan Darshan** (divine perception) is the most common, free from **Avarana**, and pure. The other three, **Chakshu** and the rest, are **Kshayopa-shamic**, have **Avarana**, and are impure.
Now, we will discuss the **Paryayas** (categories) of **Jiva**. **Deva**, **Manushya**, **Naraki**, and **Tiryanch** are the **Vibhava** (potential) **Dravya Paryayas** of **Jiva**. These **Paryayas** are of many types. There are two types of **Paryayas**: **Dravya Paryaya** (substance category) and **Guna Paryaya** (quality category).
The definition of **Dravya Paryaya** is: the cause of the knowledge of the unity of many substances. For example, calling a vehicle made of many parts as a single entity. **Dravya Paryaya** is of two types: **Samaan Jaatiya** (same species) and **Asamaan Jaatiya** (different species). **Samaan Jaatiya** refers to the **Skandha** (aggregate) formed by the combination of two, three, four, or more **Paramanu** (atoms) of **Pudgala Dravya**. These **Skandhas** are formed due to the association of **Achetana** (non-conscious) with **Achetana**, hence they are called **Samaan Jaatiya Dravya Paryaya**.
**Asamaan Jaatiya** refers to the situation when a **Jiva** transmigrates to another **Gati** (realm) and acquires new **No-karma Pudgalas** (non-karmic particles) in the form of a new body. This leads to the birth of **Manushya**, **Deva**, and other **Paryayas**. The **Paryaya** formed by the combination of **Chetana** (conscious) **Jiva** with **Achetana** (non-conscious) **Pudgala** is called **Asamaan Jaatiya Dravya Paryaya**.
These **Samaan Jaatiya** and **Asamaan Jaatiya** **Dravya Paryayas**, which are the unity of many substances, occur only in **Jiva** and **Pudgala**. They are impure because they are formed by the combination of many substances. **Dharma**, **Adharma**, **Akasha**, and **Kala** do not have any **Paryayas** formed by mutual combination. They also do not have any impure **Paryayas** due to association with other substances.
Now, we will discuss **Guna Paryayas**. They are also of two types: **Swabhava Guna Paryaya** (inherent quality category) and **Vibhava Guna Paryaya** (potential quality category). The **Paryaya** that is the cause of the knowledge of the unity within due to the quality is called **Guna Paryaya**. It occurs within a single substance. For example, the **Pudgala** in the form of a mango fruit...