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## Translation:
It is not possible for the **Shataka** to completely cover the **Jiva**. If it were to do so, the **Jiva** would become **Ajiva**, and the distinction between **Jada** and **Chetan** would cease to exist. In other words, the **Jiva** would cease to exist. Just as the light of the sun and moon is not completely extinguished even when covered by dense clouds, the **Shataka** cannot completely cover their light. If it were to do so, the distinction between night and day would also disappear. The scriptures state that even when there is a dense cloud cover, the sun and moon still emit some light. Similarly, even when **Kevalgyan** is completely covered by the **Kevalgyanavaran Karma**, there is still some light, albeit faint, intense, or very intense, which is called **Mati Gyana** etc. This **Mati Gyana** etc. is covered by **Mati, Shruti, Avadhi, and Manparyan Gyanaavaran** in their respective ways, and therefore they are called **Deshghati**.
Similarly, even when **Kevaldarshan** is completely covered by the **Kevaldarshanavaran Karma**, there is still some light, albeit faint, very faint, or specific, which is called **Prabha** and is associated with **Chakshudarshan** etc. This **Prabha** is covered by **Chakshu, Achakshu, or Avadhi Darshanavaran Karma** in their respective ways. Therefore, they are also called **Deshghati** because they cover a part of **Darshan**.
The five **Prakritis** (**Nidra** etc.) cover only a part of the **Darshan** related to **Kevaldarshan** which is not covered by **Kevaldarshanavaran**, but they are called **Sarvaghati** because they completely cover the **Darshanalabdhi** that arises from the **Kshayopa-sham** of **Darshanavaran Karma**.
The **Sanjwalan** and the four **Kshayas** (**Kashaya Chatushk**) and the nine **Kshayas** (**Hasya** etc.) cover the **Charitralabdhi** that arises from the **Kshayopa-sham** of the twelve **Kshayas** because they only cause **Atichara**.