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From a single satkara (cycle), there arise innumerable varieties of prakritis (karmic matter). For example, the scriptures have described numerous varieties of avadhijnana (clairvoyance), and accordingly, there are just as many varieties of avadhijnanavarananiya (karmic veil obscuring clairvoyance) because the diversity in bondage (bandha) leads to differences in ksayopaśama (subsidence-cum-destruction) and the differences in ksayopaśama lead to numerous varieties of jnana (knowledge). The explanation is that just as the minimum extent of avagahana (pervasion) of a subtle panak (winged) jiva in its third samaya (instant) is the minimum extent of the avadhijnana, and the maximum extent is the entire loka (universe), similarly, due to the gradation in the extent of the kshetra (spatial dimension), there arise innumerable varieties of avadhijnana. Therefore, from the minimum kshetra to the maximum kshetra of the uttishtha (developed) avadhijnana, there arise innumerable varieties of avadhijnana due to the gradation in the kshetra.
Similarly, due to the diversity in the bandha and udaya (rise) of the avadhijnanavarananiya karma, there arise innumerable varieties of avadhijnana. Likewise, one should understand that due to the diversity in the bandha and udaya of other uttara-prakriti (consequential karmic matter) and mula-prakriti (primary karmic matter) with respect to different jivas, there arise innumerable varieties.
One should not have any doubt about the infinite varieties of prakriti, because even though the bandha and udaya of different jivas may be the same, the diverse varieties of prakriti are innumerable. This is because the prakriti are infinitely more than the yogasthanas (spatial units), as each yogasthana, whether occupied by different jivas or by a single jiva at different times, can lead to the bandha of all these prakriti.
The varieties of sthiti (duration) are also innumerably more than the varieties of prakriti, because each prakriti can be bound with various durations, sometimes for a minimum of an antarmuhurta (48 minutes), sometimes for a longer duration.