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## The Fifth Karma Granth
### 137
Now, while explaining the excellent state of Ayukarma, we move on to the uninterrupted time (Abadhakal).
**Verse 34:**
**Iggavigalpuvyakodi paliyasankaas aauchou amnaa. Freekamaana hamasa abaaha sesaana bhavaso ||34||**
**Word Meaning:**
* **Vigal:** One-sense and disabled (Vikaleindriya) beings, their age is a koti (10 million) years.
* **Paliyasankaas:** An innumerable part of a Palya (a unit of time).
* **Aauchou:** All four Ayus (life spans).
* **Amnaa:** Those with five senses (Panchendriya) and sufficient (Paryapt).
* **Freekamaana:** Those with uninterrupted (Nirupkram) Ayus.
* **Hamasa:** Six months.
* **Abaaha:** Uninterrupted time (Abadhakal).
* **Sesaana:** The remaining (those with a countable number of years and those with interrupted Ayus).
* **Bhavaso:** One-third of their Bhav (existence).
**Verse Meaning:**
The age of one-sense and disabled beings, as well as those with five senses and sufficient, is an innumerable part of a Palya. Those with uninterrupted Ayus have six months of uninterrupted time, while the remaining beings (those with a countable number of years and those with interrupted Ayus) have one-third of their existence as uninterrupted time.
**Special Meaning:**
The excellent age of humans and animals is generally said to be three Palyas, but the excellent age of some animals and the uninterrupted time of Ayukarma is explained in the verse.
The reason for separately mentioning the excellent age of one-sense, disabled, and those with five senses and sufficient is that the aforementioned excellent state can only be achieved by those with sufficient senses. Therefore, that state should be understood in relation to those with sufficient senses. However, how much of that excellent state is achieved by one-sense, disabled, and those with five senses and sufficient...