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## Karmagrantha Part Four
All numbers between the two numbers are considered medium numbers. In the scriptures, there is a concept of "Palyauki" to understand the nature of the "Utkrishta Sampaatka". This is shown in the "Ayali Gaapami".
**Names and Measurements of Palyauki:**
* Pahaana Vahiyasala, Ga-Padisala, Ga-Mahaasala, Gakka
* Jaayana Sahamogaadha, Saveshta, Sasihbhariya ||73||
* Pakshya, Anayasthita Shala, Kaamatashala, Kaamadaashala, Akhya
* Yojanasala, Yagada, Svedikaasa, Sajilbhruta ||7||
There are four types of Palyauki: (1) Manavastthita, (2) Shalaaka, (3) Prati Shalaaka, and (4) Maha Shalaaka. All four Palyauki are considered to be one thousand Yojan deep and seven and a half Yojan high, reaching the "Amuneeshki Power Dhedhika". They should be filled with mustard seeds up to the "Shikha". ||3||
In the scriptures, there are two types of concepts: "Sat" (truth) and "Asat" (untruth). The concept that leads to action is "Satkalpana", and the concept that is only useful for understanding the nature of an object but does not lead to action is "Asatkalpana". The purpose of "Asatkalpana" is to understand the nature of "Utkrishta Sampaatka".
The four types of Palyauki mentioned are: (1) Manavastthita, (2) Shalaaka, (3) Prati Shalaaka, and (4) Maha Shalaaka. Their length and width are one lakh Yojan each, their depth is one thousand Yojan, and their height is seven and a half Yojan, reaching the "Padmapar Bedika". The depth and height of the Palyauki should be understood from the level of the ground. In summary, these "Kashit Palyauki" are considered to be 100 Yojan in size.