Our civilization has been passing through one of its periodic crises. In order to avert it, we need an Ahmisa-culture. We need religious idealism and co-operation, accomodation to fellowmen and toleration Spiritual evolution is our destiny and therefore the great need of the 21st Century. This is what Sri Aurobindo called "a dynamic recreation of individual manhood in the spiritual type." society which science and technology are bringing about is a information society, a power-seeking society, which will have its own conflicts and struggles. We must remember that technology is a creation of human freedom. If technology subordinates man, it becomes anti-civilization. Hence, we have to develop a technology in keeping with the sprit of man. Similarly, growing statism and bureaucratisation must be replaced by humane administration. Today, we have a false conception of greatness, the degradation of the sentiment of justice, the idolization of money and the lack of religious inspiration. Our civilization has become sick also, because it does not know exactly what place to give to physical labour and to those engaged in it. All these have to be incorporated in the scheme of education. Peace-education is a must for a Peace-Culture or Ahimsa. If the foundation of war is built in the minds of men, strategies of peace will also be built in our mind and heart through education.
Dr. Ramjee Singh
Head. Deptt. of Gandhian Thought
Bhagalpur University Bhagalpur-812007
Jain Education International
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