Transporation of live stock to slaughter houses mercilessly carried in overcrowded trucks, tempos and tongas and even on cycles, causing serious injuries in transit. Overloading of animals, and poor food-water supply during the transit add to this misery. Loading-unloading is inhumane and cruel, at times they are thrown like baggages.
Factory farming and scientific research. Most of the animals and birds spend their entire lives in the concentration camp conditions or small cages. They have no access to fresh air or the sunshine and no freedom of movement.
Slaughter Method : The movement of animals to the slaughter area by “Stick abuse to anus and genital area" and inefficient stunning methods which frequently result in having their throat cut whilst fully conscious. Humane slaughter is a myth. How many of us would be prepared to work in slaughter houses and kill the animals for ourselves ?
Cruelty to Zoo animals by ignorant visitors in order to derive sadistic
pleasure. VI. Training of animals, for circus-show or festivals. The method of training
is very cruel. VII. Ritual of animal seacrifice in the name of religion. VIII. Capture and destruction of stray dogs and pigs by civic authorities. IX. Roasting of baby pigs and picking hairs of Adults when fully conscious. X. Deskinning of live snakes and new born Karakul lambs. XI Trapping of animals like musk dear, civet cats, seals etc : They remain
trapped and helpless for hours or days without food and water. XII. Maltreatment of pets and exploitation of Milch Cattle. XIII. Chopping of hind limbs of Frogs & Frying live birds.
What is the genesis ? (a) Wrong belief, Indifference, Ignorance, carelessness, poverty and
pleasure. (b) Exploitation of animals for professional and/or occupational purpose. (c) Social customs, religious rituals and superstitions. (d) Scientific ventures and acquirement of knowledge. Preventive Measures--punitive.
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