Another special characteristic of Shri Virchand Raghavji Gandhi's lectures on the Jain religion is that they do not pivot on criticism of other religions. Free from sectarian preferences and prejudices, his impartial ideology adorns the Jain who practices ahimsa in life and anekanta in thoughts. His lectures reveal a happy combination of the pure English language, natural presentation and profound study.
Shri Virchand Raghavji Gandhi was not only a philosophical thinker but also he had the welfare of the nation at heart. There prevailed in America the belief that India is a country of tigers, serpents and kings. Christian missionaries also presented to foreign countries a distorted picture of the people of India. Virchand Gandhi made as great efforts as Vivekanand did to give the right understanding of India to the people abroad. Explaining the importance of Indian culture to foreigners, he said, "It is an astonishing fact that foreigners have been constantly attacking India and in the face of all those aggressions the soul of India has stood vital and watchful. Her conduct and religion are safe and the whole world looks at India with a steady gaze."
"Cultural distinctions, agriculture, art, artistic skill, literature, good conduct, means of knowledge and science, hospitality, feminism, love and respectall these are found in India in quite a different from. If that culture was purchas. able, England could have purchased it, adopted it. But it has not happened, it cannot happen.".
Shri Virchandbhai made such a great impact that the conveners and scholars of the conference of world religions awarded silver medal to him. Subsequently on 8th August 1984 the citizens of Kasadoga awarded gold medal to him. In this city he delivered a lecture on 'Some mistakes corrected'. The news paper titled 'Buffalo Carrier' notes that after the lecture was over he was again and again requested to deliver the lecture. In America he founded two institutions namely, The Gandhi Philosophical Society' and 'The School of Oriental Philosophy. In Chicago he founded the institution named Society for the Education of Women of India'. The secretary of this institution was Mrs. Howard who had adopted pure vegetarianism and Jainism under the influence of Virchandbhai. As sister Nivedita became Swami Vivekananda's disciple, so Mrs. Howard became Virchandbhai's disciple and like Jains she practised samayika ritually.
Thus a young man of twenty-nine preached religion in foreign countries in the face of opposition of his own community to travels abroad not only once but thrice to preach not only the Jain philosophy but also the Indian Philosophy. This was indeed a rare incident.
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