Book Title: Who is Author of Pancasutra Cirantanacarya or Yakinisunu Haribhadra
Author(s): Shilchandrasuri
Publisher: Z_Nirgranth_Aetihasik_Lekh_Samucchay_Part_1_002105.pdf and Nirgranth_Aetihasik_Lekh_Samucchay_Part_2

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________________ 190 Ācārya Vijayaśīlacandrasuri Jambu-jyoti "व्याध्यभिभूतो यद्वन्निविण्णस्तेन तत्क्रियां यत्नात् । सम्यक्करोति तद्वद् दीक्षित इह साधुसच्चेष्टाम् ।।25 [2] In the fourth sūtra of the Pancasūtra, a group of sentences occurs as undernoted : 'से समलेमृकंचणे समसत्तुमिते नियत्तग्गहदुक्खे, पसमसुहसमेए सम्मं सिक्खमाइयइ, गुरुकुलवासी, गुरुपडिबद्धे, विणीए, भूयत्थदरिसी, न इओ हियतरं ति मनाइ, सुस्सूसाइगुणजुत्ते तत्ताभिनिवेसा विहिपरे परममंतो त्ति अहिज्जइ सुत्तं ।।26 The verses of the 12th fairiahi, partly bearing verbal similarity and reverberating the significance of those sentences are as follows: 'इत्थ वि होदइगसुहं तत्तो एवोपसमसुहं ॥४॥ सिक्खादुगंमि पीई जह जायइ हंदि समणसीहस्स। तह चक्कवट्टिणो वि हु नियमेण न जाउ नियकिच्चे ॥५॥ गिण्हइ विहिणा सत्तं भावेण परममंतरूव त्ति ॥27 [3] In the fourth sutra of the Pancasutraka, there are sentences 'आयओ गुरुबहुमाणो अवंझकारणत्तेण । अओ परमगुरुसंजोगो । तओ सिद्धी असंसयं ।'28 Now, the following verse of the second 15#15 bears complete similarity with the above sentences : गुरुपारतन्त्र्यमेव च तद् बहुमानात् सदाशयानुगतम्। परमगुरुप्राप्तेरिह बीजं तस्माच्च मोक्ष इति ॥१०॥29 The significant point here is that the phrase 3709 Ruto appearing in the text of the Pancasutra has been explained as मोक्षं प्रत्यप्रतिबद्धसामर्थ्यहेतुत्वेन30 in its commentary and the phrase सदाशयानुगतं appearing in the verse of षोडशक has been also explained as सदाशयः संसारक्षयहेतुर्गरुरयं ममेत्येवंभूत: कुशलपरिणामस्तेनानगतं गुरुपारतन्त्र्यं31 by its commentators. On this account, not only the verbal agreement but also the similarity of the reading of these two separate treatises becomes evident. ___ [4] 'निदंसणमेत्तं तु नवरं - सव्वसत्तुक्खए सव्ववाहिविगमे सव्वत्थसंजोगेणं सव्विच्छासंपत्तीए जारिसमेयं एत्तोऽणंतगुणं खुतं, भावसत्तुक्खयादितो। रागादयो भावसत्तू, कम्मोदया वाहिणो, परमलद्धीओ उ अत्था, अणिच्छेच्छा इच्छा। एवं सुहुममेयं, न तत्तओ इयरेण गम्मइ, जइसुहमिवाजइणा, आरुग्गसुहं व रोगिण fa fa TT 11'32 (In the fifth sūtra of the Pancasūtra) जं सव्वसत्तु तह सव्ववाहि सव्वत्थ सव्वमिच्छाणं । खय-विगम-जोग-पत्तीहि होइ तत्तो अणंतमिणं ॥३॥ रागाईया सत्तू कम्मुदया वाहिणो इहं नेया। लद्धीओ परमत्था इच्छाऽणिच्छेच्छमो य तहा ॥४॥ Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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