Book Title: Who is Author of Pancasutra Cirantanacarya or Yakinisunu Haribhadra
Author(s): Shilchandrasuri
Publisher: Z_Nirgranth_Aetihasik_Lekh_Samucchay_Part_1_002105.pdf and Nirgranth_Aetihasik_Lekh_Samucchay_Part_2

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Page 18
________________ 200 Ācārya Vijayaśīlacandrasuri Jambu-jyoti the sāstras. There can be no denying that this composition happens to be the manifestation of the spiritual ecstasy, his attainment of the higher level in the practice of mystical science. From the ratiocinations discussed in the TETTHET which are introduced in the Pañcasūtra, probably more charmingly and in brief and pithy sentences as also a quotation from that work?' at one place in the commentary of the Pañcasūtra, this latter work must be subsequent to the composition of the treenery and his other works. Prior to this, he may have composed several other works covering different topics, including plausibly UI, in the later part of his life. And in that late lot appears the composition of the Pancasūtra. Abhyankar, too, with reference to this very point, records his own opinion as underquoted : "एतै रचितानां तेषां तेषां ग्रन्थानां क्रमप्रतिपादने टीकाग्रन्थाः प्रायः प्रथम रचिता अनन्तरं धर्मकथा रचितास्तदनन्तरमनेकान्तजयपताका-लोकतत्त्वनिर्णयादयः प्राधान्येन जैनसिद्धान्तप्रतिपादनपरा ग्रन्था निर्मितास्तदनन्तरं षड्दर्शनसमुच्चय-शास्त्रवार्तासमुच्चय-पञ्चाशकादयो दर्शनग्रन्थास्तदनन्तरं च योगदर्शनप्रतिपादकौयोगबिन्दु-योगदृष्टिसमुच्चयौ रचिताविति भाति । सर्वेषामन्ते परिणतप्रज्ञैरेभिरागमसारभूतः स्वकीयग्रन्थप्रतिपादितानां विविधानां विषयाणां सङ्ग्रहस्थानभूतश्चासौ विशतिविशिकानामा ग्रन्थो fryrеlfa 171" To this we may add : "1617 THAN A F5 51 पञ्चसूत्रकस्य सटीकस्य रचना सन्दब्धा स्यादिति ।" The aforenoted criticism leads us to conceive that, here in the field of Jaina literature, perhaps there may have been two methods of composing works: 1. The method of amplifying, in the works that follow in succession, the topics that were elucidated in the earlier works. 2. The method of abbreviating, in the fresh works, the topics elucidatively presented and at some length in the earlier works. With reference to Bhagavān Haribhadra sūri, it can be stated that, out of the above two methods, he might have adopted the second. For getting a clear understanding, it may be stated that he might have composed some of his notable works in the following chronological order : 1. Pañcāśaka 2. Vimśikā 3. Sodasaka 4. Astaka 5. Pañcasūtraka Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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