Book Title: Vardhaman Book on Jainism
Author(s): Jayshree Menon
Publisher: Bennete Coleman & Co Ltd

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Page 35
________________ emple of spiritüal knowledge The Jain Vishva Bharati Institute (Deemed University) is a tranquil haven of knowledge and spirituality in the semi-arid desert of central Rajasthan At the headquarters of the world is that the spiritual development of its stuTerapanth Jains in Ladnu, dents is as important as imparting knowledge and Rajasthan, the only building sharpening their intellect. that vaguely resembles a The prospectus of the Institute sums up the temple serves as the adminis- essence of its approach: trative wing of the Jain Vishva Without moral and spiritual eduBharati Institute (Deemed Uni- cation, no amount of material versity). In many ways the Insti- advancement can bring about tute, established in 1972 by the peace in individual, family, com late Acharya Tulsi, is a manifes- munity or international relations. tation of the spirit and beliefs of a sect which Wars are the product of the mind does not believe in, yet does not condemn, build- and peace will also have to be ing temples. found in the mind. The religious beliefs of the order are expressed • Indeed, the words of Lord through the graduate and post graduate Mahavir: Nanassa Saram programmes offered by the Institute: Jainology, Ayaro (Right conduct is the Comparative Religion & Philosophy, Non-Violence . essence of knowledge) is the & Peace Studies, Science of Living, Social Work. motto and guiding light of the All its courses, while rooted in the bedrock of Institute. ancient scriptures, strive to be relevant to mod . It is around this temple of ern realities. And where the Institute is uniquely knowledge that the 60-acre camdifferent from educational institutes around the pus, an oasis of green tranquil 35 VARDHAMAN in Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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