Book Title: Vardhaman Book on Jainism
Author(s): Jayshree Menon
Publisher: Bennete Coleman & Co Ltd

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Page 95
________________ etarianism. He has been conscientiously promot- enthusiastically shows papers of a court case that ing vegetarianism since the early 50s. He started his foundation is currently fighting in Calcutta his campaign way back in 1959 when he joined against an 'unscrupulous' slaughterhouse, which the Indian Vegetarian Congress headquartered in is killing a large number of animals daily. Chennai. Thereafter, he has attended and actively The Managing Trustee of Mehta Jewellery is also participated in 10 World Vegetarian Congress a staunch promoter of Jainism and its tenets. He across the globe. is involved in many social and religious activities In 1990, he was elected as President of the In- and has been the president of the Gujarati ternational Vegetarian Union, the first Asian to hold Swetamber Sthankwasi Jain Association and the the post. He was given a fellowship for his long Research Foundation of Jainology. He has also and dedicated service in promoting the cause of been one of the major patrons of Jain vegetarianism. His fervour can be gauged by his Vidyaashram, a day-cum-residential school spread five-page bio data, of which three are devoted to over ten acres in Chennai, which will draw inspi. his milestone efforts in promoting vegetarianism. ration largely from Jain values and culture, Six years later, Mehta set up the Ahimsa Re- With 60 long sincere years in the diamond insearch Foundation, a non-political, non-religious, dustry, Mehta has now handed over the glowing non-profit making organisation aimed at promot- mantle to his two sons. His passion for the trade ing vegetarianism, animal welfare, compassion for and whatever he is involved in continues unliving creatures, farming without chemical abated. For Surendrabhai Mehta, it's more than fertilisers and poisonous pesticides. In fact, he just a business, it's a way of life. 95 VARDHAMAN Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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