Book Title: Vardhaman Book on Jainism
Author(s): Jayshree Menon
Publisher: Bennete Coleman & Co Ltd

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Page 101
________________ nana tissues and has introduced the exotic names for the agricultural community. Grand-Nain high-yielding banana variety to the Bhawarlal Jain is deeply philanthropic, Keenly Indian farmer. This is yet another measure to aware of his social responsibilities, he heads many boost productivity by supplying improved plant- public charitable trusts that are engaged in the ing material. "We cannot feed the growing in- medical, educational, cultural and social fields. dian population by just bringing additional land So proud is Jain of his Indian heritage that he under irrigation," Jain maintains. "To be com- sent his four sons to vernacular medium schools, petitive, we have no choice but to improve wa when he could have so easily sent them to the ter and land use efficiency by adopting technol- best educational institutions abroad. But he ogy." His fruit and vegetable processing plants wanted them to be brought up in India, imbibcomplete the value chain for the farming com- ing Indian ethos and work culture. No wonder munity and also earn valuable foreign exchange. sons Ashok, Anil, Ajit and Atul are as much sons He has also introduced solar water heating of the soil as their father. While Ashok is busy systems. expanding and updating HRD, Anil is busy hoistHarbinger of the second green revolution, Jain ing the Jain flag all over the world, in addition promotes, manufactures and supplies all high- to handling the finance portfolio. Ajit looks aftech agricultural inputs under one roof. ter domestic marketing, while Atul currently "India's economic development plan must be based in London looks after exports to Europe. based on sustainable agriculture," he insists. "This A teetotaller and non smoker, the only vice will lead to a more stable and self-reliant growth pattern. India's core strengths are its vast land and water resources and conducive climate. Added to these are the immense and versatile human resources. If we channel our economic growth primarily based on agriculture, its related infrastructure and support this with judicious liberalisation of other areas, we will be treading a much safer path. I have always held that agriculture is not only a dependable partner, but is indeed the very vehicle for our long term stability and prosperity. Nay, our very survival." Bhavarlal Jain's business is driven more by ideology than by profit alone. His reach extends far beyond building physical assets. A voracious reader and deep thinker, commitment to rural upliftment through meaningful assistance is his mission. The best way to know him is through his work. His stated mission in life is: 'Leave this world better than you found it'. Bhavarlal Jain with his four sons Atul, Anil, Ajit and Ashok All of Jain's activities are centred in the in- Bhavarlal Jain suffers from is workaholism! And dustrially backward town of Jalgaon. It is here, this he cannot give up, notwithstanding the five that Jain has made huge investments about Rs heart attacks, he's already suffered! 400 crore) in agro and export oriented indus- Jain's yearning for quality and excellence has tries. Forging a direct association with over 5000 earned his companies over 80 awards, while families, all the focussed industries which Jain personally too, he is the recipient of numerous has promoted, are impacted with high social con- awards, national and international. The Irrigatent and are in harmony with national priorities; tion Association of USA, that comprises over be it agriculture, food processing, export pro- 7000 irrigation Industrial Houses around the motion, resource conservation or environment world, bestowed the International Crawford Reid improvement. Memorial Award on Jain in 1997, 'In recogniBuilt on this remarkable foundation, institutions tion of his significant achievements in promotled by him have interwoven themselves into the ing proper irrigation techniques and in fostervery fabric of the society they stand to serve. ing major advancements in the industry, outJain Pipe', 'Jain Drip', 'Jain Tissue Culture' are side the United States'. He is the first Indian not merely trade names or brand equity banners and only the second Asian to have received this to generate revenues and broaden the bottom award in the past 20 years. line. They have come to symbolise prosperity for However, for him "the best ever reward is the small land-holders and become household smile on the face of the farmer." 101 VARDHAMAN an Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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