Book Title: Upasakdasha and Anuttarau Papatikdasha sutra Sachitra Author(s): Amarmuni, Tarunmuni, Shreechand Surana, Trilok Sharma Publisher: Padma Prakashan View full book textPage 6
0 ee y : : 4 ; eis ne ahs ls OLA O PANO LALO TANTO O DAL OTANI OL ANT OP NOLAN OFAN LO OFANLO LANL O PANO TAN OTANLO © x y r O [ PUBLISHER'S NOTE O L I L O I About nine years back, we had launched the project. of O T N publication of Jain Seriptures with origmalteat, Hindi and O ° S As T English translations andillustrations. At that time, we did not O O E R have in mind such a broad-based planning nor weexpected so O O L ASN good and encouraging results. But with the grace of the IE T O O NL protecting diety and the blessings of Reverend Gurudev 0 A F 7 O Shri Bhandari Ji M. bolstering the bold decision, determination w ma S ° and ceaseless efforts of Up-pravartak Shri Amar Muni Ji M., O we have been able to publish six Agams. in nine beoks. O A Y R O This year we have succeeded in publishing Upasak-dasha & O T Y A R A OT Anuttaraupapatik-dasha andAnuyogadvar Sutra (First Part). O T A E V O O We onee againresolve te engage ourselves in this project E R with faith and determination. We hope that weshall receive the O E R assistance ofall concerned as before. We have full confidence O W R that we shall continue to spread the beacon-light of Jina-Vani 0 K in the entire world. Y O T N We express our earnest gratitude to SrichandSurana ‘Sara’ O TIWE for his expert editing; scholarly shravak Shri Raj Kumar Jain, S L W who has profound knowledge of scriptures, for English (4 S A translation; Dr, Trilok Sharmafor his lively illustrations; and W R(2) O A Shri Surendra Bothara for readingfinal proofs. We value their W R O contribution in giving final shape to the publication. Y N O We express our gratitude and indebtedness to magnanimous o devotees who have financially contributed in this project to O make this ambitious project a success. A R O A Mahendra Kumar Jain D O PRESIDENT Padma Prakashan ( & ) SOP RY TORU SORV TORY AZODYA OBIS ODS O ORIG ORYSORUAORY TODA ONG OBUZORUAO BUAO AORYAORY TORY AO Ors 3 APage Navigation
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