Book Title: The Jain 1992 04 Special Issue
Author(s): Natubhai Shah, Vinod Kapashi
Publisher: UK Jain Samaj Europe

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________________ Sogani, K.C. Ethical Doctrines in Jainism. Sholapur : Jaina Sainskriti Samrakshaka Sangha, 1967 (Valuable detailed work.) Stevenson, S. The Heart of Jainism. New Delhi : Munshiram Manoharlal, 1970 (Reprint of a book first published by Oxford University Press in 1917. This was for long the main source of information for Western readers. Much useful detail, sympathetically presented but written from a Christian missionary standpoint.) Sukhlalji, Pt. Pt. Sukhlalji's Commentary on Tattvartha Sutra of Vacaka Umasvati. Originally published in Gujarati (1930) and Hindi (1939) and translated by K.K.Dixit. Ahmedabad : L.D. Institute of Indology, 1974 (The text and translation of this very important sutra are given, with Pandit Sukhlalji's lengthy introduction and commentary.) Talib, G.S. ed. Jainism. Patiala : Punjabi University, 1975 (Six articles by different authors covering aspects of Jain religion.) Tahtinen, U. Ahimsa : Non-violence in Indian Society. London : Rider, 1976 (Not confined to Jainism but has some fifty index references to Jains.) Thomas, E.W. Sri Mallisenasuri : Syad-Vada-Manjari. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 1968 (Reprint of an annotated translation, first published c. 1958, of a 13th century commentary on a work of the famous scholar Hemachandra. Heavy going.) Lalwani, K.C. Kalpa Sutra of Badrabahu Svami. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 1979 (Original text of this very popular sutra, with introduction and translation.) Lalwani, K.C. Sramana Bhagavan Mahavira : Life Doctrine. Calcutta : Minerva Associates, 1975 Mardia, K.V. Scientific Foundations of Jainism. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 1990 (Scholarly explanation, by a distinguished scientist, of Jain philosophy in terms of modern physics.) Marett, P. Jainism Explained. Leicester : Jain Samaj Europe Publications, 1985 (Clear introduction for Jains and non-Jains.) Mehta, S.R. and Sheth, B.G. Shrimad Rajchandra : A Great Seer. Agas : Shrimad Rajchandra Ashram, 1971 (One of the many books on this modern saint, mentor of Mahatma Gandhi.) Mookerjee, S. The Jain Philosophy of Non-absolutism: A Critical Study of Anekantavada 2nd ed. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 1978 Nahar, P.C. and Ghosh, K. An Epitome of Jainism. Originally published Calcutta, 1917. Reprinted as Jainism : Precepts and Practice. 2 vols. Delhi : Caxton Publications, 1988. Also as An Encyclopaedia of Jainism. Delhi : Sri Satguru Publications, 1988 Nevaskar, B. Capitalists Without Capitalism : The Jains of India and the Quakers of the West. Westport : Greenwood Publications, 1971 (Sociological study of two groups which have a lot in common.) Pandey, V. cd. The World of Jainism. Bombay: pub. by the Author, 1976 (Varied essays by different scholars.) Radhakrishnan, S. Indian Philosophy. 2nd ed. London : Allen and Unwin, 1929, 1931 (Classic work by a very great scholar, later President of India. A lengthy chapter in Vol.I deals with Jain philosophy.) Rosenfield, C. Gurudev Shree Chitrabhanu, a Man with a vision. New York: Jain Meditation International Center, not dated (c. 1981) Roy. A.R. History of the Jainas. New Delhi : Gitanjali Publishing House, 1984 Sangave, V.S. Jaina Community : A Social Survey. 2nd. ed. Bombay : Popular Prakashan, 1980 (Very informative on Jain society, customs and religion.) Schubring, W. Doctrine of the Jains. Tr. from German by W.Beurlen. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 1962 (Translation of an important work of scholarship originally published in German in 1934. Valuable but very heavy going.) Settar, S. Inviting Death: Historical Experiments on Sepulchral Hill Pursuing Death: Philosophy and Practice of Voluntary Termination of Life. Dharwad : Institute of Indian Art History, Karnatak University, 1986, 1990 (Two detailed scholarly studies from inscriptions at Shravana Belgola and from original texts on ritual voluntary termination of life.) Shah, U.P. "Jainism." in New Encyclopaedia Britannica. Chicago, 1974. Recommended as the most accessible short general account. Upadhye, A.N. et al. Lord Mahavira and His Teachings. 2nd ed. Bombay : Shree Vallabhsuri Smarak Nidhi, 1983 (Collection of essays with emphasis on Jainism's answer to modern questions.) Von Glasenapp. H. Der Jainismus : Eine indische Erlosungsreligion. Hildesheim &c : Georg Olms Verlag, 1984 (Reprint of the most important Western work on Jainism, originally published Berlin 1925.) Warren, H. Jainism in Western Garb, as a Solution to life's Great Problems. Edited, with notes, by N.J.Shah. 2nd ed. Bombay: Shree Vallabhsuri Smarak Nidhi, 1983 (This is a recent edition of Herbert Warren's small, but useful, introduction originally published in 1912 and frequently reprinted.) Williams, R. Jaina Yoga. Delhi : Motilal Banarsidass, 1983 (Reprint of a scholarly work first published by Oxford University Press in 1963. The title is a little misleading the book is a survey of medieval writings on the duties of the lay person. Valuable but not light reading.) Wintermitz, M. History of Indian literature. 2 vols. Tr. from German by S.Ketkar and H.Kohn, 3rd. ed. New Delhi : Munshiram Manoharlal, 1991 (English translation, first published Calcutta 1993, of the original German work of 1907. Vol. Il includes a lengthy survey of Jain literature.) 45 Jain Education International 2010_03 For Private & Personal Use Only


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