SAMYAGDARSHAN-GYAN-CHARITRANI MOKSHAMARGH 1-1 = The way to liberation is through enlightened faith, enlightened knowledge and enlightened conduct
Enlightened Faith. This is known as Samyagdarshan, which is made up of two words, samyag and darshan. Samyag means enlightened, proper and holy and Darshan means view, vision or faith. (see 1/2).
Enlightened Knowledge. Enlightened knowledge includes scriptural knowledge, intuition and other achievements associated with mental and spiritual powers (see 1/9).
Enlightened Conduct. This is the conduct which befits a noble person determined to make progress on his or her spiritual journey. (see chapter 7).
Liberation or moksha is the ultimate goal and is a state of eternal bliss, wherein one's soul becomes free of all karma bondage. When a soul is freed of all karmas, it is pure and in its natural blissful state, Moksha also means freedom from the cycle of birth and death. The ways and means which enable one to attain moksha constitute the