Tattvartha Sutra
Tattvartha Sutra
omniscience. Omniscience or keval gyan is the final, supreme knowledge. It comes after the elimination or removal of destructive karmas. The one who possesses this knowledge is called Arihant or Arhat.
UPAYAGO LAKSHANAM 2-8 Consciousness distinguishes living beings (or souls) from other nonliving objects.
We have seen in 1/4 that there are seven Tattvas, the first of which are souls or living beings. In Jain terminology, the word used for a soul or living being is Jiva. Jiva means everything which has a life. Therefore, the characteristic of Jiva is consciousness. This can also be referred to as the characteristic of awareness, the use of senses and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.
GROUP DISCUSSION ON CHAPTER-1 Form a "Tattvarthasutra Study Circle" and discuss the following topics- (Time 45 minutes for each topic)
(1) Why are the three jewels- enlightened faith, knowledge and conduct necessary for moksha?
(2) Is there such a thing as wrong faith or misguided knowledge ? Narrate some interesting story/ examples.
(3) Have an open discussion about Tattvas and why should one understand the meaning and functions of all Tattvas? Would this understanding help to develop inner strength ?
SANSARINO MUKTASHCHA 2-10 There are two types of souls. They are the worldly and emancipated or 'bound' and 'free' souls A free soul is a liberated soul, which has no bondage of karmas. This is called Siddha. Liberated souls live (or rest) on top of the universe (lokakasa) and never return to take re-birth (See 1/4- The soul can achieve nirvana after all karma particles have been destroyed)