Book Title: Some Aspects of Jainism in Eastern India
Author(s): Pranabananda Jash
Publisher: Munshiram Manoharlal Publisher's Pvt Ltd New Delhi
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On the Ajivikas
and also makes a comparison to these Buddhist references with those found in the Jaina texts in order to form an idea of the fundamentals of Gośālian dogmatics.
1Malalasekara, op. cit., II, p. 14. 17 Ibid., 1, p. 609
Ibid., II, p. 123. *For details, HDA, ch. III, pp. 27ff. **Supra, ch. I. *TAN, III, trans., p. 273. 18 MN, Sandaka-sutta, no. 76; Malalasekara, PPN, II, p. 14 *3 Bhagavati sútra, XV, su. 550, fol. 674. *HDA, p. 31. *Ibid., p. 32. 2&Ibid., p. 33. *71DL, vol. II, p. 5.
28Hoernle on the basis of the Tittira Jataha's acccurt tries to show that a mendicant (Ajivika) carried a bamboo staff (veracăra) The Ajivika Upaka is also described bearing a staff (Larthi-haitho).---Therigäthä, 291.
*' Aşļādhyāyi, IV.J.154. 30 Bhagavati-sútra, XV, su. 541, fol 660-63. 31 This event possibly took place in the second year of Mahāvira's wanderings.
82Ibid., su. 542, fol. 664. An exhaustive description of their wanderings has been recorded by Jinadása Mahattara (Avasyaka-cürni, I pp. 271, 282-84, 287-99) who flourished in the seventh century AD.
According to Jacobi (SBE, XLV, Introduction, pp. xxix-xxx) the Jainas borrowed the idea of leśyā from the Ājivika conception of abhijāti, or six classes of mankind, and 'altered it so as to bring it into harmony with the rest of their own ('octrines. The concept of abhijāti (AN, II. p. 383; SV, p. 162) preached by the Ājivikas has evidently noticeable bearing on the Jaina classification of beings and the Jaina conception of leśyā. The grouping is made on the basis of colours to different classes of beings. The highest or parama-sukha (supremely white) group contains three names only, viz., Gośála and his two predecessors, Nanda Vaccha and Kisa Sankicca. Below this is the category of white (sukka) includes Ājivika ascetics of both the sexes. The next one is green (halidda) which contains the acelakas. Below this is red (lohita) to which belong the Niganțhas who wear a single garment. Blue (nila) comes as the next category representing bhikkhus who live as thieves and also believers in the efficiency of works (karma). The lowest category is black (kanha) consisting of thieves, fisher-men, fowlers and others. For a comparative study of these two systems, viz. abhijăti and leśyā, and also for the relationship between Jainism and Ajivikism, see, HDA, pp. 240ff.
*Uvāsaga dasão, ed. Hoernle, 1, pp. 105ff. 35 Vinaya, IV, p. 223. 36Jataka, III, pp. 536-43. *Ibid., p. 541: Hatthā daddhä pindapatig ga-hanena. 381bid., p. 542. * Jåtaka, VI, pp. 219ff. "HDA, pp. 104-5,
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