Book Title: Shraman Bhagvana Mahavira Part 5 Author(s): Ratnaprabhvijay, D P Thaker Publisher: Parimal Publication View full book textPage 9
________________ must have been completed by 'Dévarddhi Gani Kamā-śramaņa at the re-daction of the Siddhantas at agtge Vallabhipura in Mahavira Nirvana Samvat 980. The Pattavali of Nandi Sūtra was also composed by Dèvarddhi Gani Kṣamā-śramaņa. The Tapagacchiya Paṭṭāvali written in Vikrama Samvat 1646 by Upadhyaya Dharma-sagaraji Gaņi, containing a complete continuous description of the Pattavali of Nirgranthas, Kausikas, Candra, Vanavāsī and Vaḍa Gaccha from the time of Śramaņa Bhagavan Mahāvīra to that of Acarya Mahārāja Śri Hira-Vijaya Sūriji had been critically examined and revised by a committee of Acārya Mahāraja Sriman Hira-Vijaya Sūriji, Upadhyāya Śrī Vimala Harṣa Gani, Upadhyāya Śrī Kalyāņa Vijaya Gani, and Upadhyāya Sri Soma Vijaya Gapı at Ahmedābād on Friday, Caltra Vad 6 of Vikrama Samvat 1648 with the help of Gurvävali of Sri Muni-sundara Suri and the Dusama Kāla Śrī Śramaņa Sangha Stotra of Sri Dharma Ghoṣa Sūri. The sthaviravali of Tapagaccha was continued as the Pattavali of 59 Śrī Vijaya Séna Sūri 60 Śrī Vijaya Déva Sūri and 61 Śrī Vijaya Simha Sūri under the title of Śri Tapă Ganapati Guna Paddhatti by Upadhyāya Guņa Vijaya Gagi in Vijaya Déva Mahātmya in Vikrama Samvat 1673. Another addition to the Tapagacchiya Sthaviravali containing serial accounts of 59 Acarya Śrī Vijaya Séna Surl 60 Acarya Vijaya Deva Suri and 61. Acarya Sri Vijaya Simha Surl was written by Upadhyaya Mégha Vijaya Gani. A third addition to the Tapagacchiya Sthaviravali containing a serial description of Acāryas from 58 Acārya Śrimān Hira Vijaya Sûriji to 72 Sri Buddhi Vijaya Gaņi under the title of Sri Guru Māla was written by Muni Caritra Vijayaji. Pattavalis and Sthavirävalis by other authors are equally important from a historical point of view. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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