510 : Scientific Contents in Prākrta Canons
sufficiently mixed and vague with respect to the current view. It has to be expressed in a better way. Nevertheless, the canonical categories indicate that they include all the foods containing components under scientific classes. Madhu Sen36 seems to be right to suggest that theoretically all the scientific constituents are indirectly included in foods of the canonical periods.
One must, however, point out that the canonical examples under categories suggest an interesting fact. They do not contain vegetables in general. It is not clear what category they could be included in. The canons, nevertheless, discuss the conditions under which they could be eaten. Time of Eating
Kundakunda37 and Āsādhara38 tell us that one should take foods for physical and psychical health depending upon time, place, emotions, digestion capacity and availability of food materials. This is as much applicable to house-holds as to the ascetics. Nisithacūrni39 tells us that there is difference in habits and traditions regarding food in different regions of the same country. The three humours are specifically coordinated in the body under different places and times. These facts limit the intake of different constituents in foods. The different seasons also effect the nature and quality of food. It is said that rough food should be taken in spring, cold natured or endothermic foods should be taken in summer and rainy season and hot oily food should be taken in cold season. Ugraditya4° goes still further to divide even the different part of the day in different ( six ) seasons suggesting to eat accordingly.
Bhagavati Arādhanā41 also indicates the effect of regional tradition and seasons on the time and quantity of food intaken. The food itself should be psychologically catalysing and emotionally satisfying. This depends upon the purity of food material and method of cooking. The mendicant feels satisfaction by taking even boiled, non-oiled but pure food devoid of 46 defects due to materials, preparation and the
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