The author concludes the subject of the origin and the glory of the fruit of pilgrimage to Pundarikagiri by saying that one who remebers the Pundarikagiri while undertaking the vows of Navakārisi (not eating or drinking anything for a period of 48 minutes after the sunrise), Paurisi (not eating or drinking anything for a period of the first quarter of the day), Pūrvärdha (not eating or drinking anything for a period of the first half of the day), Ekāsana (Eating and drinking only once a day while being seated at one place), Āyambila (Eating and drinking tasteless and unnutritive food without salt, oil, clarified butter (Ghrta) and sugar and drinking boiled water only once a day while being seated at one place) gains the fruit of observing a three day long fast. And, one who remembers the satruñjaya hill while observing fasts for the periods of six days, eight days, twelve days, half a month and a month, gains the ultimate fruit of liberation. (verses 73–74)
While discussing the monastic ordination, spiritual enlightenment and final liberation of Saint Nārada ete it has been said in the present work that Saint Närada of the purest spiritual hue (Sukla-leśyā) gained the divine omniscience, which is the essence of the tnree worlds, by virtue of overcoming attachment towards the mundane things. Further, it has been stated that all the other ten million aspirants also gained enlightenment and liberation by destroying their karmic bondages at the front part of Satrunjava hill. (verses 75–83)
Propounding the glory of Pundarika hill, it has been said that a devoted person becomes free of trouble even in such difficult situations as in the rugged jungle path, in frightening forest and in the funeral ground. Further, it has been said that a person aboard a wrecked ship or boat in a stormy ocean or river is able to ford them by remembering satruñjaya hill while sailing the wrecked vessle.
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